THE dress

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-Oh my GOD! I can't believe this! Meredith, you are getting married! The dark and twisty girl found someone for herself! We have to celebrate it. I'm helping you plan the wedding. No jokes. I'm helping you. - she got out of bed.
-Izzie, pleas sit back! You have to get some rest. - Alex asked her nicely.
-Hey! She is having a wedding! Derek proposed to her! She is getting married!
-I've heard. But please, sit back. - he pushed her into the hospital bed.
-Fine. But give me my phone. Now. I need to get started. - she demanded, and Alex handed her it.
-She is enthusiastic. - George stated.
-You don't say? - Christina came back.
-By the way congratulations Mer! - George hugged me.
-Thank you George.
-But i need them shipped. In an hour. Please, i do. Okay, i get what you are saying, but you need to know, that i am sick. Khm, khm. - she imitated the sound of coughing.
-Yes, i am. I have a tumor. But i need these wedding dresses. And put the suits next to them to. They make me very happy. And i need happy. - she pulled an excuse.
-What is Derek's size? - she whispered to me, and i gave her it without hesitating, because she was so eager.
-Thank you! Address is Seattle Grace Hospital. Have them shipped in an hour, please. It is extremely important. Thank you! - she thanked as she scribbled something into a notebook.
-She is good. - Christina looked at Izzie as we listened to her conversation.
-Okay. Meredith, you are in here in an hour. Also, please page one of the interns to bring everything up here as soon as something arrives. I nodded, while she was staring at me with strict eyes.
-Okay. I will be here in an hour. I'll go work now. - i slipped out from the room, trying to find myself a surgery in the time i had left.

-Mer, you are late! - Izzie scolded me, as i entered again, after proceeding to get some work done.
-I know, i'm sorry. Hey! What are you doing here? - i asked Derek as i saw him.
-I've been paged here. So i'm here. But i see it's not an emergency. - he said as he looked around. Photos and pieces of magazines were hanging all around on the walls, and two big piles of dresses in the two corners of the room.
-How did she do all of this in like two hours? - i asked Christina as i turned to her.
-No idea. Best part is i've been here the whole time, and i still don't know. - she shrugged her shoulders.
-Okay. Mer, you take one of those, and change in the bathroom. - she pointed at the bigger pile.
-Derek, you change after she's done. Also i need opinions. Chocolate cake, or lemon? - she asked me, but i didn't answer, and walked into the bathroom with the first dress. As i saw it, i instantly went for another one.
-I'm not wearing this one. - i put it down on top of the pile.
-Just try it on! At least. - George encouraged me.
-Nope. Not that one. - and i took another one. As i pulled the top of it on, i yelled out.
-Christina, come in. Now!
-What's up? - she asked as she stepped inside.
-Ohh, i see! A cupcake ate you! 'Kay..- she pulled the zip down.
-I'm going for another one. - she announced, and a minute later she appeared with three other dresses. But none of them were great. So she brought four more. All of them too...white. And to princessy. I've heard Derek leave, and George go for a post-op. When Christina entered with a ninth dress, i was feeling thirsty. At my tenth, i was desperate. I had enough of veils and crowns. I've spent more than two hours trying them on. And was about to say i'll get married in a garbage bag. But at the eleventh, something changed. As she pulled up the zip at the back, it felt comfortable. Not itchy, not too tight, but tight enough too show my cleavage. Not white, but light, more like a shade of beige . My blondy curls were falling on my shoulders, curlier from all of the sweat and moving. But when i looked into the mirror, it was worth it. I looked...nice. Acceptable. Not cupcake, but not jeans and sweater combo. Could be a bride in it. The pattern at the top was solid. Not big waves, not hearts and globes, or starts hanging. But just a few flowers, sewed into it. It wasn't a minidress, but i wasn't pulling the end of it for 2 kilometers behind myself. And it wasn't lapped to my body, but wasn't standing away, like a cookie dress. I made eye contact with Christina in the mirror, raising one of my eyebrows, waiting for an opinion. This time, she said something different from 'take it off', 'god, this is awful', you look like whipped cream', and just a laugh. She nodded once.
-You look good.
-Really? Please answer in-your way. - asking for her raw opinion.
-Shows your boobs, but not in an 'i'm a slut way', acceptable in front of a Mcmama. Not whipped cream, color is not like an inside of a body, but not the princessy white. Reveals your shoulders, so it's automatically a plus point. I don't really care, but it'd fit other possible bridesmaid dresses. So Izzie can be happy. I think this is what we were looking for. No crowns, no veils, keeping it simple. I'd wear high heels with it.
-Thank you. - i threw myself into her arms, she was disagreeing, and wanted to push me away, but i hugged her to myself. Meaning everything.
-Now show them! - i walked out of the bathroom, and looked down as i saw the crowd of people there. Derek was wearing suits, with a ridiculously strange tie, and the top of his shirt was messed up, but he didn't seem to care. He was talking to Bailey, and the Chief, who were doing follow up examinations on Izzie. Or i thought they were doing something like that. Because Bailey was listening to her chest with stethoscopes , and the Chief was probably making some notes about it. But as i came out, their eyes turned to me. Derek instantly gave up dealing with his tie, and walked over to me, pulling his hands on my bare shoulders.
-Mer...You look beautiful. - he mumbled to me, in incredible need for some privacy, trying to hide from the curious looks.
-Thanks! - i answered, taking the compliments with blushing cheeks. He lifted my head, and i pressed my lips to his in a longer kiss. I forgot for a minute about everybody else in the room, focusing on him. He held my hips, and as i ran my fingers through his hair, holding onto it, like a thousand times before, he pulled through his mine, taking a fistful back. He ran his tongue along my upper lip, and i immediately granted him access. I let his tongue comfort my mouth, and give me some time, while the only thing i turned my attention to was him. He tilted his head a little, so he got better access.
-'Kay, you've had enough time, stop now! - Christina turned to us, and as i heard her, Derek pulled away, with cherry red lips. I've figured mine were just as cherry like, as his, or even worse.
-Mhm, just practicing...- i gave us a quick save.
-You tend to do that often. - she commented, and i just blushed even more.
-Mer, you look wonderful! Turn around, please! - Izzie became all excited again, and i let go of Derek's hand, doing as she's told me.
-This is the dress! - she stated.
-But Derek wasn't supposed to see it...- she confessed.
-Maybe we'll go back to our idea from the morning than. - he laughed at me, and i just giggled out.
-Grey, i know you're all.... bridy , and although it fits you, how much have you worked today? - Bailey asked me seriously.
-It's okay. Just do what you have to. The hospital can stand for a day without you working. It's a slow day anyways. And i wanted to congratulate you! - Richard stepped up to the save, and he pulled me into a kind of strange, but nice hug at the same time.
-Thank you, Chief. I'm really grateful. - i shew my gratitude to him.
-And if you're interested in my opinion, chocolate cake is better. And that dress in very nice. - he added, nodding, and i smiled wide at his plus comment, accepting what he thought.
-Okay. I'll send back everything else then. Derek, you have to choose too. You're not leaving until you haven't chosen.
-I'm leaving. - he squeezed my hand.
-Oh dude, you're not. I was putting up those pictures. Do you think it was because i wanted to? She is tied to bed, but i still do what she says.
-Mer, please choose me a tie. I simply don't care about how it looks. I'd get married tomorrow in pajamas. Please choose one...I'll be happy with them.
-I..I don't know. I guess not the one you're wearing.
-That one looks like Tuck's. The red one is like a grandfather's. If Grey is not in a clown costume, please hide that..That one fits your shirt. I'd choose that. But throw away the black, it's not a funeral. Stripes are out of contest, you're not in scrubs, so those are out too. - Bailey kept pointing to different pieces.
-Thank you, Miranda. - Derek sighed.
-I still didn't tell you that you can call me Miranda. But you're welcome. - she nodded, as they exited with the chief.

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