Long night

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-Hey. - i bumped into Derek in the hallways.
-I was looking for you. The ladies' husbands are here, and one of them needs a consult. - i handed him the envelope.
-The man has a depressed skull fracture. I... can elevate the bone fragments, but there's no way to know how much damage has been done.
-Shepherd, good! You're here! You have to save that man!
-Richard, i have other traumas to get to, and - Derek started.
-You're operating on him. He needs to be saved. - Richard insisted.
-What is up with him? - he turned after the Chief.
-No, idea. He's been like that for a while..I think this whole ranking..
-Derek, i have to run..What if we can't make dinner with your mother? - i asked him.
-I'll call her. Go! - he got me on the lips, and in the next second i disappeared, in search of Christina. But instead i ran into Anna. The one, who cheated on her husband with her best friend's husband.
-Do you know anything about them? - she asked me, and i noticed she was pulling her leg.
-Not yet. I'm sorry.
-I know how pathetic it is to cheat on your best friend with her husband... You must think i'm awful...
-No..These things happen.
-We ran into each other 8 months ago, and here we are...I do love Phill. But...little pieces of me just..get chipped or taken away from you by someone else...And those pieces fit together...One day, you look up and you don't even know who you are..
-You need to rest your leg. Please at least sit down. - i asked her nicely.
-You don't believe me...
-Anna, i believe that these things happen.
-No...-she sighed.
-Anna. - i made her look into my eye.
-I'm building a house together with my boss' boss. - i told her something like that about myself. I saw the surprised look on her face, sit there.
-So, i do. Believe me. Please try to rest.
-Meredith! - Richard called my name.
-Yes, chief?
-Shepherd needs a resident. Everybody else is scrubbed in or has a patient! OR 4, go! - i nodded, and left the still surprised Anna there, running towards OR 4. When i got there, i spotted Derek and Hanh inside, standing next to the man on the table. I washed my hands quickly but carefully, and put on gloves, entering.
-Dr.Hanh, De..Dr.Shepherd. - i greeted them, and Derek responded with a cheesy smile from behind his mask, while Erica just nodded once.
-Grey, i'm observing his heart, you help Dr.Shepherd with the surgery. Assist. - she ordered me, and i stepped next to Derek, instantly matching his energy. When he opened up the patient, and gave the first task to me, i felt Hanh's eyes on me. She kept watching my movements, and she listened to Derek's requests. We worked perfectly in sync. I knew what he wanted, and he knew when i needed some more information. Most of the time we've understood each other from half sentences.
-Dr.Grey, i can't let go of this equipment. Hold the instrument from the table, and remove the last skull fragment. - i heard a voice scoff behind my back, and i turned around, to look.
-Concentrate. Don't listen. - Derek encouraged me, and i nodded, turning back. As i did the procedure, which was supposed to be difficult, quite easily, without even shaking my hands for a moment, i felt the eyes on me.
-Dr. Shepherd, could you come? I need you to decompress my patient's spine. - i heard Callie's voice behind my back.
-Yes. I'm ready here. Dr.Grey, please close up. - he instructed me, and exited. Dr. Hanh stood up and followed her out, without a word.

-I was paged here. - i walked to a patient's room.
-Grey, stitch up Major Hunt's leg. - Erica gave me an order.
-I've already done that. - Christina looked confused.
-One of them let go. - Hanh explained, giving Christina a disappointed look. She just stayed quiet.
-What is it here? - Derek appeared from inside of a door.
-Now, everybody go! - Hanh told us again.
-So my Phil won't walk again? - Anna stepped out too, making the chaos that was here bigger, forming a crowd of doctors.
-What? - the bloody soldier turned back.
-They said he won't walk again. It is fine. We will solve it. - she calmed herself.
-He needs to be frozen. - he told them.
-Could i talk to you? - Derek asked him, and he just nodded. I followed them , thinking i have to stick with my patient for now. I stood a little further, and listened to their conversation from there.
-I'd appreciate it if you didn't give my patient and his wife false hope. - he told him irritated.
-You should look into research. She saw it. - he nodded towards Callie.
-That patient was in his 20s, and in primary cardiac health. Tell them is that this is not an option. - Derek gave the information out.
-Could i close up your leg now? - i asked him, and he nodded clearly annoyes. I caught Derek's disapproving look of him. I pushed him into an examining room, and he finally sat down.
-So are you a doctor? - i asked him.
-Soldier. And doctor. Owen Hunt.- he answered, and the door opened, revealing Christina.
-Mer, i hate Hanh...- she sighed sitting down next to me, not caring about Owen.
-Derek's mum is going to hate me...I won't make dinner. - i sighed too.
-Well, he won't make it either. - she shrugged her shoulders. We started talking until i stitched up his leg.
-What is it with Hanh? - i asked her again.
-She thinks i spend too much time doing heart surgery. But Mer, i don't want to see anymore broken arms...or legs.
-Sorry. - she looked at Owen, who didn't say a word, but i saw him listening carefully.
-She doesn't get that i want to be a cardio god not a pediatrician...
-I get it...I like it that you have a goal. You know what i don't like? - i asked her again.
-That you won't make dinner with Shepherd's Mcmama. - she guessed.
-Correct. - i nodded.
-Talk to Hanh. - i adviced her as i stood up, finished with the soldier's leg.
-Talk to Shepherd. And Mcmama. - she stood up too.
I was going to open the door, when Christina suddenly turned back.
-You haven't heard a word! - she warned Hunt, and i exited the room, leaving her in there.

As i had a minute to take a breath again, i paged Christina and she answered it saying she was in room 1321. I walked up there, and entered after knocking. Richard and Hanh was looking at me.
-Am i interrupting? - i asked.
-Meredith, you're just came in the perfect moment. Dr.Hanh has been observing different teaching techniques, and she needs students to tell how they learn the best. - he turned to me and Christina.
-I learn best when i'm asked questions. - she answered before me, looking at Hanh.
-That's what we do during rounds. - Erica answered.
-Not everyone.
-Are you talking about me? - the attending asked back slightly aggressively. My friend was just about to say something when i didn't let her, thinking it's for the best.
-I learn best when they let me do it. And instruct. - i gave my favorite teaching technique. When we managed to talk to the patient's relatives again, we stepped outside of the hospital, to get some fresh air. Already 10 pm. The day was screwed.
-I can't believe this...i almost killed a man today...in surgery. - Christina sighed.
-I think i'm gonna pass out. - i sighed too.
-Yeah, pass out...You're weak. We did nearly twice as much in intern year.
-Yeah, but this is more intense, and i've been working for 15 hours.
-Weak! - she looked back but she tripped over just in front of the hospital door on the ice.
-You kind of deserved that! - i giggled out, as she started laughing too.
But in the next second, the disaster hit.

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