Forever ➼ BOOK 1 (Klaus Mikae...

By thevampirediariesaf

155K 4.5K 731

Mia Lennox and her sisters have been trying to find her runaway parents for years, meeting dead ends and find... More

༺ part one ༻
Ch. 1 ↬ "Mystic Falls."
Chapter 2 ↬ "As real as vampires and werewolves."
Chapter 3 ↬ "Rippers."
Chapter 4 ↬ "Klaus Mikaelson."
Chapter 5 ↬ "What a bitch!"
Chapter 6 ↬ "I'm Elijah."
Chapter 7 ↬ "Hello, vampire demon."
Chapter 8 ↬ "Gotta love Mother Nature."
Chapter 9 ↬ "Kara is a monster."
Chapter 10 ↬ "He's not joking."
Chapter 11 ↬ "My shadow self."
Chapter 12 ↬ "Thanks for the tip, wolfie."
Chapter 13 ↬ "Just one little fwoosh."
Chapter 14 ↬ "You look like hell."
Chapter 15 ↬ "Chicago."
Chapter 16 ↬ "Three sad orphans."
Chapter 17 ↬ "Home sweet home."
Chapter 18 ↬ "I'm here to get revenge."
Chapter 19 ↬ "Blaming me for your mistakes."
Chapter 20 ↬ "Old time's sake."
Chapter 21 ↬ "I'm using you."
Chapter 22 ↬"Mia Lennox."
Chapter 23 ↬"Bacon pancakes."
Chapter 24 ↬ "Pizza Mikaelson!"
Chapter 25 ↬ "Let's go to New Orleans."
Chapter 26 ↬ "You better run."
Chapter 27 ↬ "I could use company."
Chapter 28 ↬ "Daddy issues."
Chapter 29 ↬ "Poor human Elena."
Chapter 30 ↬ "An eye for an eye."
Chapter 31 ↬ "Man of the hour."
Chapter 32 ↬ "You are pissing me off."
Chapter 33 ↬ "A hero is a villian in disguise."
Chapter 34 ↬ "Klaus and his girlfriend."
Chapter 35 ↬"I told you she's evil!"
Chapter 36 ↬ "Such a pest."
Chapter 37 ↬ "More than a friend."
Chapter 38 ↬ "Damon, shut up."
Chapter 39 ↬ "Super old, super creepy."
Chapter 40 ↬ "I'm no psychopath."
Chapter 41 ↬ "Courtesy of Matt Donavan."
Chapter 42 ↬ "Mystic Falls is bad luck."
Chapter 43 ↬ "She was supposed to live."
Chapter 44 ↬ "The goodbye book."
Chapter 45 ↬ "Mamma Mia."
Chapter 46 ↬ "Humans are sensitive."
Chapter 47 ↬ "Doppelgänger got your tongue?"
Chapter 49 ↬ "Partners in crime."
༺ part two ༻
Ch. 50 ↬ "Go get 'em, Tiger."
Ch. 51 ↬ "Silas will kill us all."
Ch. 52 ↬ "At this point it's finders keepers."
Extra ↬ "Thanksgiving Special."
Ch. 53 ↬ "Call it mercy."
Ch. 54 ↬ "I'm perfectly capable of being dead."
Ch. 55 ↬ "If it isn't little Miss Sunshine."
Ch.56 ↬ "So much for self-control."
Ch.57 ↬ "I like you better like this."
Ch.58 ↬ "Introducing her to a thousands hells."
Ch.59 ↬ "Make sure you rip her apart."
Ch.60 ↬ "Enjoy the highway back to hell."
Ch.61 ↬ "Something wicked has happened."
Ch.62 ↬ "Hi, I'm Euphoria."
Ch.63 ↬ "From a handmaiden to a queen."
Ch.64 ↬ "For power and glory."
Ch.65 ↬ "We can make new memories."
Ch.66 ↬ "Psychos are here in town again."
Ch.67 ↬ "Mother's intuition."
Ch.68 ↬ "Do you believe in the devil?"
Ch.69 ↬ "You're not a hero then."
Ch.70 ↬ "This is home."
Ch.71 ↬ "Always and forever."
Ch.72 ↬ "Through the dark."
author's note ↬ "thank you for everything."
Next time on "The Vampire Diaries."

Chapter 48 ↬ "Always a sight to see."

591 24 3
By thevampirediariesaf

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"I've graduated college five times," Kara informed them as they walked through the busy campus, "I don't remember it being this crowded."

"His classroom is over there– the S building," Mia pointed to her right, "and the lecture already started."

The girls hustled over through people and into Professor Shane's classroom– he started to go on about witches. They secured at seat in the middle, after having to scoot their way in-between.

"When I say the world witch.. What pops into your head? Halloween costume? Villian of a fairy tale? Maybe an ex-girlfriend? Well, whatever it is, it's probably not Tanielle Soso..."

"Is that him?" Danielle was in disbelief of the younger version of Professor Shane she pictured in her head, "he's kinda.."

"Hot?" Bonnie smirked, "I agree."

"Well, not in this reality at least. Witches have appeared across every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural. Responsible for everything that goes bump in the night, from ghosts to vampires, to doppelgängers–"

The group of girls exchanged glances at each other, all of them experienced in what the Professor just named.

"Now, if you're a skeptic, you'd call that a coincidence. But if you're a true believer, you know what, there really isn't such thing."

"What is this guy going to know about the cure?" Kara had to bring up the downside of this, "he's rambling on about the history of witches. History that has been repeated over and over again–"

"You'll never know if you don't ask," Mia assured her, "he's seems reputable in his research and he knew Shelia Bennett too–"

Bonnie started to cut in, "she might of never told him she was a witch. Just convinced him that they may be real."

"Please, everyone has to know witches are real," Danielle furrowed her eyebrows, "those tarot card readings? People believe in those–"

"Am I interrupting you guys?" Shane called out the girls on their conversation, "or is it the other way around?"

"Sorry!" Mia immediately apologized. There were actual students here in the classroom.

"We were just saying how much we love witches," Kara remarked, "so much that we were wondering they were also capable of making potions? You know, like in the cartoons?"

"Potions.." Shane paced around the room, "I wouldn't call it that exactly. They can mix various herbs for healing, anti-aging– anything really."

"What about a cure?" Kara earned a few glares at other students, "for vampirism? The demons of the night that suck blood–bluh, bluh–"

"That is out of today's lecture. If you're interested, you can come by during office hours. It's on the syllabus," Shane smiled, "now, let's talk about the reading none of you guys did.."

Mia punched Kara's shoulder, "nice going. You almost blew our cover."

"There is no cover to be blown," she shook her head, "besides.. He didn't notice four new students sitting at the back of his classroom."

"He could've. If you kept talking," Bonnie scoffed.

After a few minutes, Professor Shane dismissed everyone and the girls walked out of the building back to the outside campus. They gathered around to devise another way of confronting Shane.

"Hold him down and force him to tell us everything he knows," Kara suggested, "no one gets hurt– maybe him. Just a little."

"If he's a skeptical, then he'll have a hunter's knife or a special weapon up his sleeve," Mia crossed her arms, "something that protects him from vampires, I suppose."

"He's not going to have any of that. He's not even sure it's real."

Danielle sighed, "do you think humans are stupid? Some are very well aware of the supernatural world. Some are very involved as well, so–"

"I think I know where we can get our answers safely," Bonnie ended up separating from the group to go talk to others. She held up a flier that was labeled Murder House.

"Frat party?" Danielle took the paper to scan it, "Shane's going to be there?"

"A young hot teacher in a University," Kara shrugged, "I don't see why he wouldn't. So– are we going as victims? Or murderers?"

After four hours of stopping for food, shopping, and getting ready, the girls ended up back at the campus to attend the themed party.

Danielle and Mia were dressed as the victims. They had blood on their face and body, while Bonnie and Kara posed as their murderers from the 1920s. Mia argued otherwise, saying that she wanted to be the in cooler costume, but was shut down by Kara's guilt shaming.

"Don't drink anything," Mia warned her younger sister, who was still a freshman in high school, "Don't talk to any men and stick with one of us at all times, okay?"

"I'll be fine," Danielle awed at everyone's costume, "if anything happens, I can just use my witchy powers to scare them."

As Mia stepped in the house with ease, she looked at Kara, "no invitation to come in?"

"Probably publicly owned," Kara smiled at the boy who came to greet them.

"Hey, I'm Frankie. Unassumed serial killer," He pointed at the splashes of red on his shirt.

"I'm Katy. And this is my partner in crime, Clyde," She placed an arm around Bonnie, "and these two lovely ladies we just.. killed."

"Welcome to the murder house. Bloody Mary's free until midnight. Enjoy yourselves." 

"Thank you," Mia nodded at him before he left. She looked around and saw Professor Shane, making eye-contact with her. He raised his glass, smiling.

"Hot professor just go denoted to creepy professor," Kara disapprovingly scrunched her face.

"He is not creepy," Bonnie corrected her, "I'm gonna go talk to him about the cure."

"I'll go with her. Just in case he ends up actually being creepy," Danielle handed Mia the drink she was given and went to follow Bonnie. Mia and Kara were left in a room filled with drunken teens, all seeming like perfect victims for dinner.

"Which one are going to pick?" Kara took a sip from the glass, "guy in the baseball tee or the girl with the cheap necklace?"

"I was going for that other guy. The one making the girl with the cheap necklace uncomfortable," Mia stared intently at the predator almost forcing himself on her, "maybe teach him a little lesson on respecting women."

"Everyone here are either sleazy men or.. sleazy men," Kara smirked, "let's eat!"

She finished her drink and went ahead with her victims. Mia felt easy with another vampire here in the room, especially with one that will help her if things go south.

She went up to the man, her charming smile instantly catching his attention, "hi. I'm Lia."

"I'm Hank–"

"You're not going to make a single sound. Don't move, don't scream–nothing," She compelled him. Once he processed the words, he stood still and stared at her. Mia's eyes grew black and gold as she fed of his neck, leaving him weak but strong enough to walk around.

"Forget everything and leave," Mia wiped off the blood from her mouth, "and never– ever make a girl feel uncomfortable again. You ask for their consent every time you do anything and you will always respect their wishes and feelings. You hear me?"

He nodded in agreement and walked away. She smiled to herself, a little proud at successfully feeding on them. Kara was partying with a few girls, gathering a taste from them once in awhile and enjoying her time.

Mia decided to join– she no longer felt any of the consequences to feeding on people, so she began to dance around without care.

Kara noticed that she was there and smiled proudly at Mia's comfort. She felt as if they were close again, like they how they were before.

While the doppelgängers were having their blood high fun, Danielle and Shane ended up going inside Professor Shane's office. Turns out he was the one that threw the Murder House party.

"I kept some of your grandmother's stuff. A few novels and photos, did you know she liked Cujo?" Shane went behind his desk to gather Shelia's items. Danielle took her time to look at the ancient artifacts that were collected; some she recognized and some she didn't.

"This is amazing. It's all stuff you've picked up on your travels?" Bonnie asked him.

"Yeah," Shane nodded and handed her the stuff, "I, uh– do this one thing. It's like a one man travelling occult exhibit to small towns. It funds my crazy Indiana Jones adventures."

Bonnie took out the photo from the novel that was handed. It was one of her and Shelia, smiling together.

Danielle sighed– she remembered the night she was unable to save Bonnie's mother. And now felt even more guilty of learning Shelia died a few years due to using too much magic.

"Do you practice? Like she did?"

The two girls widened their eyes at Shane's question, obviously caught back by his knowledge of witches.

"I'm a true believer. Just don't tell anyone," He winked and took a seat on his desk.

"No, I don't practice. Not anymore," Bonnie answered, "I lost control of myself and there were consequences."

"Witches love their consequences, don't they? You know there are other ways to practice magic. If you're interested."

Danielle furrowed her eyebrows, "are you a–"

"No. No, no," Shane laughed, "I'm just, uh.. I'm just a guy with a very opened mind who has seen a lot of things. And I'm willing to pass them along, if you're up for it."

Danielle began to feel his creepy vibes, so she placed her hand on Bonnie's shoulder, "there's only one way to handle magic and it's not by whatever you're going to suggest. And we didn't come here just to feel nostalgic, sorry. We came to ask about the cure."

Shane titled his head, "the cure? The one that girl mentioned in class."

"Yes. And you seem to know a lot more about it than anyone else," Danielle explained, "we just wanted to confirm if it was real or not. So we're not wasting our time."

Shane stood up in excitement which scared the two girls, "it was created by a witch named Qetsiyah. Said to made for her husband, Silas–"

"Silas," Danielle cut him off, "what do you know about him?"

Bonnie was taken back, she hadn't heard any mention of these witches. This gave her a slight uneasy feeling.

"He-he's a witch. One with great power and magic you will ever know," Shane began to ramble, "to bring the living back into the dead. To save the world from the chaos that has been brought upon us."

"Does Silas have the cure with him?" Bonnie interrogated, "you mentioned that girl making it for him."

"I'm not entirely sure. Honestly, there were no historic records to show any proof of him holding on to the cure," Shane apologized, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Danielle pushed it off, "thank you."

They walked down the stairs together and back into the party.

"Who's Silas?"

Danielle sighed, "that's what I'm trying to figure out. I've been having visions with his name popping up everywhere. I thought you can help me, but seeing as your magic has gone away.."

"I wish I could," Bonnie frowned, "but I just think that Professor Shane had more to say about Silas."

"Yeah, I knew he was lying. It's probably something–"

"Did you guys find anything?" Mia wiped off the blood from her lips, "I'm still getting used to superhearing.. The EMD music is too loud in here."

"Apparently the cure may be real," Danielle started to explain, "he tried to play it off like he wasn't sure but his hesitation said otherwise."

"Men always lie," Kara appeared behind them, fresh blood all over her clothes without shame. This made Bonnie roll her eyes and Danielle to frown in disgust.

"We'll just have to break into his office another time.. For now let's not raise any suspicion and leave," she gestured for them to go.

"Is there nothing more we can do while we're here?" Mia asked, it felt like they drove here for nothing.

"Investigations take time, you can't solve everything in a day," Kara shook her head and led the girls back into the car.

A few hours and two food stops later, the girls arrived back in front of the Mikaelson mansion. Mia didn't speak a word to any of them before getting up. However, Danielle– with her mind full of regret– chased after her older sister.

"Hey," She got Mia's focus on her, "Mia.. I haven't been around much since you've turned but.. Seeing you tonight, knowing that you were feeding on people, snapped me back into reality. I was sort of freaking out the whole car ride back, knowing that my sister is now a vampire,"

Mia crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at the last sentence, which caused Danielle to elaborate more.

"I can't help but blame myself for not being there when it happened. I chose to leave you guys and it ended up being the biggest mistake of my life. So, when I see you, I only feel sorry for what you have to go through. Because of me."

"Oh, Danielle–" Mia grabbed her shoulder to pull her into a hug, "it's not your fault. Not anyone, but Sage's and I killed him– he's not coming back anytime soon. And you don't have to feel any resent over me.. And now that you're a big bad witch, I get why you'd be a little upset over me being a hybrid."

Danielle chuckled, "well– there was good news I wanted to tell you today. I'm coming back to Mystic Falls. Alecia told me there's nothing more she can teach me, but– I'm moving in with Bonnie. Me being a descendent of the Bennett line and all."

"I guess that's fine by me," Mia sighed, "I don't want you to be harassed by Kol."

"Yeah and it'll be a little awkward living with an immortal Original that's in love with you."

She rolled her eyes, "he's not in love with me."

"What? How can you not–"

"Bonnie's telling you guys to hurry up," Kara appeared behind them, "I take that she doesn't like sitting alone in a car with me."

The two sisters wrapped their conversation up and hugged goodbye, leaving Kara and Mia together.

"This is the kind of moment where I apologize for what happened back at the frat party, but I didn't really do anything wrong," Kara smiled, "in my eyes, I wasn't doing anything wrong."

"No. You weren't. Just being the vampire we all know."

A few moments of silence passed before Kara spoke up again, "I was the one that compelled Sage to forget everything. Or tried to, at least. I also got you back these–"

She pulled out the Lennox moonlight amulets from her pocket and handed it to Mia.

"The amulets?" Mia awed and her eyes remained on the rings, "how–"

"I guess Sage knew he didn't have enough magic in him to take me down again. Or vervain– he told me where they were in a second. Damon was suppose to give them to you, but.. the circumstances and all."

She looked up and smiled at Kara, "thank you."

"No problem. Take care of yourself– no more turning important people into vampires," Kara winked and started to walk back into the car.

A part of Mia wanted to call out for her to stay and talk. So she can thank her for all that she's done over the years, yet the time didn't feel right. Mia turned around back into the house and placed the family heirlooms inside a locked box.

"Have fun on your girls trip?"

Klaus was standing at the doorway with a smile on his face. Despite the annoying obstacles he had to face today, he was always glad to see Mia's face.

"Why did you lie to me about the cure?" She sighed and closed her closet door, "you said it–"

"I only said it was stupid to try and look for it. Never said I didn't know it existed," He smirked, "you never asked for more elaboration."

"Apparently, there is one. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the vampire hunter. Maybe if I–"

"I wouldn't think twice about talking to Connor," Klaus refuted her half-thought out plan, "besides.. He escaped captivity and hasn't been seen since. One of our hybrids had their heads severed because of him."


"Which is why Stefan and I have made a deal. We're making amends through our desire to find the cure and kill the legacy of the Five once and for all," Klaus signaled for Mia to come and follow him, "and that all begins with following this sword."

He showed Mia a sword with ancient symbols and writing on it. When she attempted to trace her fingers on it, Klaus pulled it away.

"I'm not going to steal it."

"No, but I'm sure you'll break it," he stepped back so she could examine it from afar, "it's the same sword that Alexander carried back in the early centuries. Do you remember him?"

"Yes," She sighed, she felt like she was in school.

"We need to find the remains of his body and his brothers," Klaus picked up the keys from the counter and threw it at Mia.


"Do you even have to ask?"

Mia raised her eyebrows, "we're leaving tonight?"

"Their bodies are buried in Italy. The more time I spend explaining to you, the more we waste. Let's go–"

Mia reluctantly followed him to the car and threw him back the keys. She was too tired to drive, "where's Rebekah?"

"Lying dead inside a coffin."


"If word gets out about the cure, we're going to have trouble in our hands and targets on our backs," Klaus started the engine and began to drive to the nearest airport, "trust that she's safer there."

"How could you do that to your own family?" Mia shouted, "what could she have done that would've hindered your plan?"

"You only know a part of Rebekah. One that you're able to handle and understand. She's lived centuries before you– centuries of constant lies and betrayal. Rebekah has crossed me once, I don't ever doubt she'd do it again."

For once, Mia didn't have a comeback to what he said and instead got comfortable in her seat. She decided to take a small nap before they arrived at the airport, where Klaus compelled a pilot to privately take them to Italy.

As they sat in the first class seats, Mia compelled a flight attendant to spill some of her blood into a champagne glass. This caused Klaus to smile a little, he was amused at her tactics.

"Don't laugh at me," Mia took a sip, "I still find this weird and disgusting."

"But you've got to admit you feel rather powerful. Having anything or anyone at your beck and call," Klaus opened a bottle of wine for himself and her, "All the joy you could have.."

"In all the infinite years of living. Yeah, I stayed up a few nights thinking about it. How I'll never face dying again," Mia stretched out her legs for more comfort, "How did you enjoy all those years of living? You never got bored?"

"Well, being Klaus Mikaelson is not exactly boring."

She rolled her eyes as she laughed, "with all the enemies you've probably made? I wouldn't think so either."

Klaus clicked his tongue, "you've got to take into consideration that the first three centuries were pure fear and paranoia over everything. Every other person, vampire, because of my father hunting me down. Then, the years until recently, were all about breaking that pesky curse my mother made."

"Oh, I forgot about that. I wasn't there for that– thankfully."

"You wouldn't enjoy what your friends had to go though because of it."

Mia quickly changed the subject, "did you ever have fun? While you were running and breaking the curse? A chance to live?"

He needed a second to reflect on his past. The memories he thought of all ended up in tragedy. Either by his own hand or his father's.

"My family and I had a fantastic time in New Orleans. We resided there longer than anticipated. Until one of my known enemies showed up," Klaus frowned, "that's the closest to happiness I had been in all eternity."

"Not even when you were with Kara?"

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows. Through the years he did his best to forget the relationship Kara Radford and he had, but the memory of them haunted him forever.

"You don't have to keep your mouth shut about her," Mia laughed a little to help him calm down, "My memories came back to me during my transition. She had a witch compel to forget the life I never thought I had– I'm not holding grudges on her anymore."

"I guess that makes one of us," Klaus poured himself a drink from the flight attendant, "time isn't enough to forgive the pain she created upon me. Upon Elijah, Kol, even Rebekah. I may have loved her, but her betrayal has created a different type of hatred that no one would know."

"Okay," Mia set down her glass and awkwardly smiled, "when I got my memories back.. Kara was the only fatherly and motherly figure in my life– my sisters' life as well. She was the one taking us to school, packing lunch, compelling parents to have their kids come to our birthday parties. The life I would've had with my parents."

"Even if she lied to you and tried to kill you?" Klaus scowled, "because I remember the anger in your eyes."

"Even if she did lie to me. She never wanted to kill me. Because I remember seeing it in her eyes."

Klaus didn't understand why Mia forgave Kara so easily, then again– Mia was always an understanding person. He just hated Kara more than anyone.

"I just wished she never took that life away from me. Because I would've been happier if it was just her. And us," Mia's lips curved into a smile as she eyed at the window, "I would've been satisfied with what she was giving us."

"Then we'd of never crossed paths," Klaus poked at her for fun.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his face, "I'm certainly glad she did. It's an honor having you in my life, Mia. Who else would try to annoy me to death?"

"Aw– is the Klaus Mikaelson thanking me for something?" She placed her hand over her mouth after gasping, "I'm touched."

"And the moment is ruined," Klaus laughed, "we've still got hours to go– are we going on about my rampant past?"

"It'd be a hell lot easier for me to like you if we did. I don't think you're up for it though."

"If you think I'd rather brood alone than talk to you, you're right."

"Fine," Mia got up from her seat across of him and started to settle down at the end of the aisle, "brood alone all you want. As if you haven't spent years doing so and probably will spend more in the future."

Minutes passed as Mia settled down to sleep– Klaus ended up bothering her more about his life.

"What do you want to know? How the eighties were like? Twenties? 1500s?"

Mia and Klaus landed in eastern Italy with a group of workers already waiting for them. Klaus knew the approximation of where Alexander's body was buried and people were already digging. They were spending the night supervising them in case anyone found out of their plans– Klaus's paranoia made him think of that.

While Mia was busy bothering the work men with random questions, she eavesdropped on Klaus's phone call with Stefan.

His voice echoed through the phone, Mia listened to the rest of their conversation and all of Klaus's threats.

"You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is."

"Nice try, Klaus. But I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you."

"And I trust no one. Which is why my sister lies daggered in a box. The more who will find out about the cure, the more who will go after it. Nations have gone into war over less. You mark my words– tell one soul about the cure and I'll throw the hunter's sword into the Mediterranean right now and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?"

Mia turned her attention back over to him as soon as his call with Stefan ended, "sometimes I forget that you're the big bad wolf."

Klaus sighed and shoved his phone into his jacket pocket, "seeing as you throw a fit every time I go near another person, I haven't been able to fulfill that title much."

"Isn't it tiresome? Getting your hands bloody every time?"

He titled his head with a smile, "perhaps I didn't put enough emphasis on how fun it is being an all powerful Original hybrid."

"No more white oak," Mia nodded, "I forgot– like how I totally forgot about Alaric being dead." She

frowned and began to bother some more of the workers. Klaus decided that it wouldn't hurt to leave his post for awhile. Only Stefan and Mia were so sure that the cure existed.

"How about a little tour of the city? The night is still young– you haven't experienced the magic of street music and dancers of this city yet."

"Finally– I think these guys were only answering to me because of your compulsion," Mia smiled as the two of them got into the car to drive some miles into Venice.

Mia's excitement was going to burst out of her chest. She was ready to try all of the pizzas, sweets and music they had to offer.

"So, Mr.Mikaelson– what are you going to show me first?"

Niklaus showed her the boat ride through the city, "how about some sight seeing?"

Without hesitation, the couple began their journey of Italy. The night consisted of Mia constantly stopping over for food, joining the street dancers even if she didn't know any moved, and Klaus being pulled into photobombing other people's pictures because Mia thought it would be funny.

For Klaus, he never felt more calm or euphoric in years– all thanks to her.

"Just one more stop," Klaus had a champagne bottle in his hand while they climbed up the steps to a building. Mia was following behind him, chugging down her third bottle of alcohol.

"This stuff is way more better as a vampire– I couldn't handle the disgusting burning sensation. Now, it's nothing. Plus– I can't get drunk!" Mia laughed. Her giggles dialed down when she saw the city lighted before her, mirroring the same sight when they were in Chicago and New Orleans.

"Never gets old," Niklaus smiles, "always a sight to see."

"The world is so beautiful," she continued to look into the star-like buildings, "I guess the good thing about being a vampire is that you'll have everyday until  to do this."

They took another moment to admire the city, until Klaus began to think of their quest again.

"Time to go–" He finished drinking from the bottle and placed down on the ground, "would you like to know another vampire perk?"

Mia smirked, "what?"

"Speedy reflexes."

Klaus pushed Mia off the almost 100 feet building and watched her flock around before landing swiftly on her feet.


He began to laugh at both her reaction and her struggles while falling. When he landed on the ground with he ease, Klaus faced the wrath of Mia's annoyance.

"I thought I was going to pee my pants while falling! And vampires don't even pee!" Mia punched his shoulder and began to shove him a little.

Being in a playful mood, Klaus picked up Mia and threw her over his shoulder– spinning around, laughing at her again. Eventually, she gave up on being mad and ended up receiving a piggy back ride on Klaus's back until they spotted their car in the city.

Somehow between the laughs, the long talks, their stupid little fights, and all of the jokes, Mia started fall in love with Klaus without knowing it.

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