Chapter 70: Tournament Arc Pt.2

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Once the first preliminary circuit was over and half the competition was cut done, the second circuit began.

This time competition was much rougher as all the poor duelists were taken out, and people who were left were adequate enough to understand what they were doing and could handle themselves very well in a duel.

Harry watched as his friends and school mates struggle with their battle as the fight prolonged duels against tougher opponents. He saw that they all won in one form or another but it was clearly by the scruff of their teeth. Of course, there were some who this was still a walk in the park, like Daphne who still did not break a sweat as she took down her opponent, or Susan who finished her enemy with practice ease.

They were each badasses in the literal sense of the word, and knew he had to be careful with them or they might get the surprise on him. Still though, he couldn't deny he would love them to duel it out, now that would be a battle for the ages.

Plus he also took notice of more of his enemies, there was Theodore Nott who was trouncing his poor opponent a Gryfindor fifth year with total ease and humiliation. He noted that unlike Draco who was a prancing fool that liked to strut around everywhere, he was much more colder and heartless. Which made him all the more dangerous in his opinion, you could easily deal with a fool that you could see from a mile off, but someone that hides himself and plans things out, is a much more deadly enemy.

Sadly this was how Hogwarts was, children bring with them their parents and family's hatred and misconception to school. He guessed, really this was just how the world worked. An endless cycle of violence and revenge that gets carried around generation after generation.

Harry also took note of more of his allies, he spotted Terry Boot a Ravenclaw in the same year as him, but more than that one of his vassals. They never really were on a speaking basis since House divides at Hogwarts is just that big, but he really did want to meet the son of his most loyal and steadfast vassal.

For his second battle, he faced off against a Hufflepuff in the same year as him, Harry didn't know his name thanks to how many students there were in the whole school. Nevertheless, that didn't mean he didn't show him the respect accorded to him, since he didn't poke the bear in the metaphorical sense and was a good sport, Harry was obliging if you could say.

Taking it easy on him while making sure not too humiliating him, Harry humored him for a while as he defended himself against all those spells flying at him flawlessly, he then decided to finally finish things up with two quick spells that took him off guard and concluded the duel.

"Good duel," Harry said with a small smile as he walked over to the boy and shook his hand companionly.

"Thanks," he answered with a good lucky smile as he returned the gesture without any hurt feels. "You really are that skilled, huh? Everyone just thought that your first match was a fluke, but now I could see that's far from the treat."

"Well that's me," Harry said as he waved his hands to either side causally. Harry knew the Slytherin would do anything to put himself in a better light and not make himself look weak and pathetic, even telling lies right through his teeth.

But why did he care, he would just prove them all wrong with his abilities, and make them swallow their words.

"Next time don't expect such an easy victory," the Hufflepuff chuckled good naturedly.

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