Chapter 96: Death Eater Trial Pt. 1

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Tobias turned to the chamber at large and nearly everyone recoiled back in feat under his gaze, finally, then his eyes landed on Harry or in a more approximate area. But Harry knew the man had his sights upon him and to prove it...

"And you," the man repeated as he pointed his finger at him.

Sighing Harry wondered why him, why couldn't he just be left alone for once in his life.

Anyways there went his plan of stealthy getting away once shit hit the fan, he would be target number one if Tobias could have it his way.

"Who me?" Harry asked as he looked around, then turning to face the person seated right next to him, he whispered conspiratorially though his voice still did care in the silent chamber. "I think that sour puss balding man is talking about you, mate! What in Merlin's name does he want with you. Did you kill his cat, it really looks like you did to me with how screwed up his face is."

There were a few awkward coughs, and chuckles being barely held back. The poor man next to him scuttled away from him, as if not wanting to have anything to do with him.

Harry could understand, if he was him, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me!

"You think you are funny, Potter. Let's see you joking when I have you on your knees before me."

"Talk about ego issues," Harry whispered to the middle aged woman on his left, "do you think he is trying to make up for something?"

Even though Harry was making jokes he was already thinking of plans to get himself out of this situation as his eyes darted about. Already he came up with 52 different plans in the span of moments, 90% of which weren't feasible and was impossible to achieve, 9% would see him dead outright, but just 1% of it would be cutting it close and might be possible.

"I can't wait to get my hands on you boy," the Dark Noble growled as he stared viciously at him.

"Ooo, scary," Harry said as he shivered in fear and shook his hands about. He made up his mind, he will go with his last plan, and pray to Magic that it worked.

"Just you wait boy..." the man said, "I will fulfill my Dark lord's final wishes. I will end you just like your parents!"

"You know a man can only take so much, Tobias," Harry said as he changed up his tone. Now he was deadly serious and all jesting was gone as dark clouds hanged over his face, if the man had known Harry best then he should have known when he got that look on his face you were fucked.

Harry had to give it to the man, he really did get the surprise on him and everyone else it would seem, maybe not Madam Longbottom, but for everyone else this was just a total break of decorum and decency.

It really reminded people of Voldermort's dark days where he would lie, cheat, steal, kill, rape, threaten, and everything else in between to get what he wanted.

Noble purebloods just didn't do things like this, you just didn't come up to someone and point your wand in their face and force them to do what you want. Sure you could war with each other and kill many people in the process, but you didn't put an aristocrat's life in danger.

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