Chapter 47: Solicitor

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Banking left towards the family manor, Harry gave a loud roar to Sunchaser in his animagus form of the Great Black Wyrm. Sunchaser returned the cry as it nodded its massive head in goodbye then flew up towards the Roost.

Beating his massive wings downward as he sent up a small hurricane, he shifted back into his human form then touched down on the courtyard in a superhero landing.

Rearranging their clothing, Sirius and Tobry came up to him, "I still can not believe that your animagus form is that of a True Dragon!" Sirius stated, "I am sooo jealous."

Hearing about him describe the ancient race of True Dragons called Wyrm when he told him about his animagus form, Harry was ever so fascinated. True Dragons were an intelligent race of much more superior dragons that have delved deep into the inner working of magic.

You won't find them around in the world since most of them live their lives out in their dens, but during the Age of Legends and Myth they were a predominant force on this world. Now they have fallen to the wayside as fairy tales and myth, no wizard or witch could even prove their existence until now.

"What can I say," Harry answered with a shrug, "I am just that fucking awesome."

"You mean lucky, right," his godfather said as he elbowed him.

"Luck and awesomeness go hand in hand," Harry said with haughtiness as he had his nose up in the air, "there is no need to differentiate the both of them. Anyways," he said as he turned his look to the older wizard, "you should try to bask in my awesome glory, maybe some of it will rub off on you!"

"Oh-ho-ho," Sirius said with a deep, dark chuckle that didn't sound the most friendliest of sort, "so getting arrogant of yourself, huh?"

Taming it down, he respectfully answered with a bow, "I forget my place, good lord, please have mercy!"

"That what I thought," Sirius said as this time it was him with his nose up in the air.

Chuckling, they both broke into laughter as they couldn't hold it back anymore. Tobry stared up at them like children while he had a rolled up newspaper under his armpit. "If you are done," the house-elf called out respectfully.

"Yes, what it is, Tobry," Harry asked once he collected himself.

"This came in," he said as he handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet. Reading over it, he saw captions all about him, especially his childhood.

'Boy-who-lived living with abusive muggles!'

Today, I Rita Skeeter the most trusty reporter in the Magical British Isles, come with the most shocking news! Harry James Potter, new Lord of House Potter was not living the fanciful life we have imagined..........

From there it continued to talk about his time with the Dursleys and all the abuse he suffered at their hands.

You may be wondering how did our young hero end up in such an abusive home when so many fine upstanding citizens of Magical Great Britain ould have taken him in and raised him in a cared for home. All fingers point to a wizard we all know and respected, Albus Dumbledore!

I have gained exclusive insight into what happened the day the Potter family was brutally massacred by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Speaking to Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, who was there that night, here is what he has to say.....

Even though Harry hated himself for using the gentle half-giant like this he needed Dumbledore's true colors to be shown and the public to start doubting him. So this was the only play he could make.

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