Chapter 41: Girl Feud

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Walking through the campsite by himself, here and there Harry met familiar faces from Hogwarts.

Oliver Wood, the old captain of Harry's Quidditch team, who had just left Hogwarts, dragged him over to his parents' tent to introduce him, and told him excitedly that he had just been signed to the Puddlemere United reserve team.

Next, he was hailed by Dean Thomas, a fellow Gryffindor in the same year as him, and he could have sworn he spotted the Crabble and Goyle, and where ever those two idiots are then their master isn't far behind.

A little farther down, he saw Cho Chang, a very pretty girl who played the same position as him on the Ravenclaw team. She waved and smiled at Harry playfully, and he returned the gesture which surprised her when she did not get the blushing mess he used to be.

Finally, at long last, he spotted that familiar brown bussy hair he could spot from a mile away. Strolling over he saw that she was hanging out with fellow Gryffindors from the same year.

"Hey guys," he called out as he made his way over to the fire that the witches sat around it in a small circle.

Turning up to look at him, he saw all the expressions that Hermione's face went through from confusion to shock, then suspicion and back to shock.

"Is that you, Harry?" one of the witches perked up. She had long blonde hair in curlys, large green eyes, pale silky skin, and a round sweet face. She stood at 5 ft 5 inches, with large bosoms that had to be an E-cup at the very least, with wide hips and curvy frame.

"In the flesh," Harry replied as he spread his hands wide, "how have you been doing, Lavender?"

"I am doing good," she answered as she eyed him up and down, and bit her lips when she took him in.

"Hey Harry," Sally Smith waved to him shyly. She was a shorter, petite kind of girl with light blonde hair braided, and brown soft eyes. She had a rounder face with a bit of baby fat, pale smooth skin, an arched eyebrow, and a snub nose.

"Hey, how is your brother?" he asked as he remembered the sulky Hufflepuff in the same year as him.

"He is doing fine," she answered as he could see the onslaught of a blush creeping in for keeping a conversation with him this long.

"Wow, you really got a lot taller," Fay Dunbar noted. She was a much taller girl nearing his height with brown hair that reached to her shoulder blades. She had sharp blue eyes, a long face with sharp features, a straight nose, full red lips, a toned athletic figure with all the right curves, and large breasts that fit perfectly.

"Thanks," Harry said with a grin, "now I guess you can call me short stuff anymore."

Giving him a wink, she stated, "you sure as hell ain't that anymore!"

"Is that really you?" Hermione asked as she got out of her dazed state.

"Yeah, did you expect someone else?" he joked.

Seeing that she wasn't biting, he comforted, "You could say, I hit a growth spurt doing the summer."

"I hope in all the right place, mmm," Lavender Brown mused to herself, but he was able to catch it with his enhanced hearing.

Horny teenagers, he thought with a shake of his head, but then he released he too was a horny teenager! Nevertheless, he won't be denying any time that he did not appreciate their attention.

Just then from out of one of the tents a young woman walked out, she looked like an exact copy of Lavender but much older with a few inches of height, a much more mature face that brought out her beauty really well, and an amazing F-cup size bust.

Godfather and GodsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora