Chapter 64: Tremble

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"So you want to WHAT?" Sirius shouted as his eye nearly popped over in shock and aghast.

"Well I want to walk right into the keep," Harry answered with a shrug. "It's the only way we do not suffer great losses and have to camp out for week on end."

"There is no need for his lordship to put himself in harm's way," Lieutenant Alex stated, "we are willing to sacrifice ourselves to your cause."

Holding his hand up, "I thank you for your steadfast loyalty, Alex, I really do, but I won't return the gesture by throwing you at horrible odds. Anyways if I am not willing to place myself in the same precarious situation as you all, then what Lord and Leader would I be, I need to lead by example and show my men that I put their safety and well being before anything else."

"That good and all, but would that even matter if you die?" Sirius snorted, as he was clearly the hardest advocate against this little idea of his.

"Think about," Harry said as he tried to make them look at his perspective, "Ser Gimball would never expect anything from me. I come to check up on my vassal, which isn't strange in the least bit. He would have to allow me in, and once we are we can put down the wards, allowing us to just walk right in."

"What's to stop him from taking your head?" Remus asked, as he too did not look like he liked the idea of him basically walking into enemy territory.

"Nothing," Harry shrugged his shoulder, and he could see his wasn't winning himself any favor with that, "but there is his honor to consider. What would people say if he killed his own life lord with treachery in his own estate? Everyone would have the lowest of low opinions of him, so he will have to tread lightly in this. Honorable combat and conquest is what he is looking for, not poisoning my cups."

"Lord Potter does have a good point," Colonel Fraser spoke up, but with a glare from Sirius he quickly shut up.

Seeing no point for this useless argument that just went back and forth, Harry decided enough was enough, he made his points and this was a good plan, risky, yes, but a good plan nevertheless. "I am doing this whatever you all say. This is the only plan we have come up with that gives us a quick and neat victory. If you have a better plan, I am all ears, but if you don't then Shut up, we are doing this on!"

Giving everyone a hard glare each in turn, they all decided to keep their piece except for Sirius who stared long and hard at hi until he finally sighed out, "Okay, but I am coming with you!"

"No," Harry shook his head, "if I am gone, you need to lead our combined army and be Chief in command, and I know there is no one better for the task than you."

Holding his hand up when he saw the arguments forming on his adoptive father's lips, he continued, "If you are worried about me, and want someone to have my back let it be Remus. I like to see how they do up against a werewolf in all his fury and rage!"

"Alright, but how are we to know when the wards go down?" Lieutenant Riley asked a very important question. Unlike him, they did not have Magic Sight so they were in the blind what happened.

"I will give the signal," Harry answered.

"What would it be my lord?" Alex asked out of curiosity.

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