Chapter 143: Throw Down Pt.1

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Waking up in the middle of the night to an awful ringing sound in his head. Harry wearily got up from bed.

He did not know at first what was that noise that kept on going in his head all day long.

"Waaaaaahhhhhhh, Waaaaaahhhhhhh, Waaaaaahhhhhhh!"

However he was getting sick of it, looking at the time, Harry saw that it wasn't even 20 minutes since he had gone to bed after his little escapade in the girl's dormitory.

Removing Hermione's arm from his chest, Harry got up from the bed rubbing his eyes while that god awful sound just continued echoing his mind merrily.

The only thing, Harry was glad for was that it wasn't blaring out loud, so that the girls weren't woken up. The only person facing true agony was him, and him alone.

Sitting there rubbing his forehead, Harry paused for a moment as his mind tried to catch up. He knew that sound, he could have sworn he set it up himself...


Cursing under his breath, Harry looked at his Lordship ring which was flashing merrily. This could only mean one thing... one of the girls was in trouble.

Harry blamed it on his sleepy mind that was 10 miles behind on why he didn't realize this sooner.

Hurriedly getting up from Hermione's bed, Harry tossed on some clothes while thinking things through.

After he had the goblins create several of these danger alert amulets he gave them out to the girls. He knew they could handle themselves well, but better to be safe when sorry. Now with a dark lord roaming around the edges and out to get him, he had to have extra security around those he loves and cares for.

He knew of course it couldn't be Hermione or Lavender who were in danger since they were here with him, fast asleep. Nevertheless not wanting to waste any time dilly dialing, Harry tapped on his ring which was sending off a red light, and disappeared from where he was.

Appearing in a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains. A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of him, and several serpentine effigy and carving were posted every where with a large hanging of a green snake on top of the fireplace.

The place was dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. This dungeon extends partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. The common room has lots of low backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas; skulls; and dark wood cupboards. One of the wooden tables has a Wizard's Chess set on it. It is decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval wizards and witches. It has quite a grand atmosphere, but also quite a cold one.

However he had to give it to this place, it had one thing the other houses didn't have, quite the view. High ceiling windows stood at the opposite end which looked out into the Hogwarts' lake. And oh boy what a sight it was!

Harry knew where he was, he only been here once before long ago in his first year, but he never forget it.

The Slytherin house common room!

Turning around Harry saw that several Slytherins were gathered around in a crowd all circling around some thing that he couldn't make up since their silhouette blocked it.

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