Chapter 77: Professor Septima Vector Pt. 2(R-18)

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"Ahh, I see that you are late again, Mr. Potter, "Professor Septima Vector noted as he walked into the classroom.

"Sorry, Professor," he said as he scratched the back of his head, "I got caught up with some stuff."

"Mmm, really," she said in a sarcastic tone, "so you think that gives you an excuse to be tardy in my class?"

"No," he answered as he held his head down in respect and mock humility. If she wanted to give him a talking down to, then that was her right. He guessed it was his fault for getting so caught up with Fay, and not noticing that the time went by so fast.

"Well then," she said as she turned his back on him, "I believe you can report in for detention with me later today."

Nodding his head, Harry replied, "As you say, Professor."

"Now go take a seat," she said as she pointed to an empty desk. Turning to look at the classroom, "Where was I, O, yes. So as I was saying....."


"What is it and you Slytherin house heads?" Neville wondered.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, even though he knew what he was talking about.

"Well, you do get in an awfully lot of trouble with them," Lavender Brown noted.

"But to be fair, I guess I did deserve this detention," he said with a shrug.

"Wonder what she is going to have you do," Neville posed to no one in particular.

"I heard that she once had a Hufflepuff, wipe clean all the windows," Fred stated in a low whisper.

"What's wrong with that?" Parvati Patil asked in confusion. "Then she has nothing against the punishments that Professor Snape or Professor McGonagall could wipe up."

"Well she had them doing it from outside, using a muggle rope," George clarified.

"That has to be like illegal, it's just too dangerous," Lavender.

"Dangerous or not, you never want to mess with Professor Septima!" Fred said as his brother nodded his head along.

"What do you have to say, Hermione?" he asked the bushy haired witch.

"Oh, best of luck," she said with a soft smile, clearly not paying attention for the hundredth time.

"Well I got to go," Harry said with a shake of his head. He really didn't want to add more tardiness to his list.


When Harry finally reached the classroom, he was a little surprised to find it dark and seemingly empty. However, the door was open a crack, so he went on inside looking around for the Professor he was suppose to do detention with.

"Ah, Professor Septima?" he called out to the empty dark classroom, "Hello? Are you here?"

Not seeing the older woman anywhere around, Harry frowned. Was this not where his detention was supposed to be at?

Maybe he was suppose to meet up with her in her office, he mused.

It's in that moment that the lights turn on, the door to Septima's classroom closes, and Harry looks up to find a sight that he never expected to see staring back at him. She must have been hiding behind the door when he came in, because right there, in the flesh was Septima Vector.

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