Chapter 130: Function Pt.1

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Thanks to Furnace for helping edit!

If you are interesting in beta reading, check out my discord for five advance chapters. If you pick up on any mistakes or typos please go ahead and change them or point it out. Thanks


As the days turned into weeks, the first trial quickly approached.

There was a general excitement that held the students and even some of the teachers as they were pumped for the amazing spectacle to come.

For the champions, on the other hand, there was no time for any wish wash anymore, the champions who were before basking the glory of becoming their school champion now turned very solemn and serious. No more was there any strolling outdoor by any of the champions or getting quickly swarmed by admirers, or waking to the corridors and looking proud of themselves.

Now there was only training and studying, studying and training.

Harry took to using the Room of Requirement as it offered the state of the art training room which could only be found way back home.

He spent countless hours in there each day honing his skills and magical abilities preparing himself mentally, physically, and magically.

Harry saw the other school champions each preparing in their own way, some took to the library hitting the stacks looking for powerful spells to use and ancient lore about dragons to exploit to their advantage.

Others took to the training mat as they honed their battle skills for the upcoming trial.

Some took to the lab making potions, alchemical reagents, magical items, and other tools to use against the dragons.

While a few took to meditating out in the front lane as they honed their minds and prepared themselves.

Every champion had their own way of preparing each symbolizing their personality and strong suit.

For the task itself, every person who knew about it had their own way of tackling it.

Hagrid for example had a really wonderful way of dealing with them which was so him.

"Harry," Hagrid called out to him after their Care of Magical Creatures class.

"Yes, Hagrid, what can I help you with?" Harry asked as he stayed behind as everyone headed out.

"So wha' is yer plan dealing with the dragons?" the big man asked him, with a concerned expression on his face.

"I do have some ideas," Harry answered.

"I always say the bes' way ter handle a magical creature is by love, yer treat 'em well an' they will treat yer well in return."

"I guess that is one way of putting it," Harry said, not really wanting to express himself of what he thought of that wonderful idea. Magical creatures come in a varying mix some gentle like a Kappa and Fairy others harmless like a Flobberworm. Some little annoying buggers like imps and doxy others ghastly like a ghoul and Lethifold.

Each and every single one of them have their own temperament and behaviors.

Dragons on the other hand were known as terrifying and vicious, not at all the gentle creatures that Hagrid was making them out to be.

Still Harry put on a thankful expression and expressed his thanks, "Thank you, Hagrid for the lovely little advice. I will make sure to take them into consideration when I come face to face with a fully grown fire breathing dragon."

Nodding happily the half-giant uttered, "I knew yer would see it," and left him be after that.

Sirius on the other hand had a more direct approach.

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