Interlude - Sirius's adventure Pt. 1

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Walking down the halls of his family's ancestral home, Sirius wondered to himself for the hundredth time what he was doing. He had no love for this place. It held too many bad memories and too few good ones.

But he had to do what he must so that he could survive and, most importantly, his godson as well.

Remembering that little bugger, a smile split his face; who would have expected that he would one day be responsible for a kid. He sure as hell didn't, and he never knew that it would be so fun.

It was like having James around at times!

Shaking his head, he got rid of that thought. Harry was his own person, he might be similar to James, but there were also times he resembled Lily at times.

Nevertheless, if he wanted both of them to come out of this war alive, he had to do this.

Taking a turn in the dark, gloomy hallway, Sirius ran into his family's miserable house-elf. Seeing how suspicious the house-elf was acting, he narrowed his eyes at it and asked, "Kreacher, what are you up to?"

Muttering under his breath, the thing bowed its head to him in respect, and answered back, "Nothing, Master B-black."

Taking a second glance at it, Sirius really wondered for the dozenth time what that little punk did to get this wretched thing this obedient. He really worked some magic on the thing for it to give him an ounce of respect.

"Carry on then," Sirius said, then added in a growl, "and I better not see you getting up to your antics."

"Yes, Master," the beastly thing rasped, and it was on its way with its back hunched as usual. For a moment there, Sirius could have sworn he saw a necklace around its neck, but he waved it off since there was no one that could have given it accessories without risking its release.

Continuing on his way, Sirius reached the wall way with countless portraits of Black family members of old. He remembered the few times he had come here as his mother went on and on about all the great Blacks, and he always found it arduous.

Arrogant men and women lined the hallway, cruel in nature with hearts as black as their surnames, and with a mean, nasty streak as wide. All of them looked at him with a varying degree of disappointment, and dislike as if he had failed the family for being so weak and soft.

Finally, he reached the portrait he came here to visit. "Hello, mother," Sirius greeted the living portrait of Walburga Black, the last Matriarch of the House. It has been a decade or two since he has last seen her, and it seems like she went spiraling downward. The once pristine slender woman who held such might and power was now a podgy crazed mess of an old woman.

It appears that she went mad in her latter year with the death of all her family members. Sirius might have found it pitying long ago, and his heart might have ached for her, but now there was none of that anymore as all love and feeling left for her long ago.

"What are you doing here, BLOOD-TRAITOR!!!" the woman shouted once she saw him.

Grinning up at her, Sirius replied in a mocking answer, "Well, I came to greet my mother, of course. What kind of son would I be if I didn't come by to say hi?"

"You are no son of mine," the woman growled like a dog ready to bite and tear of his face. "I disowned you a long time ago, now get out of my sight."

"Come, come," Sirius said, still in his jovial mood like he did not hear the clear revile in her tone. "I am the last remaining Black, mother! Do you really want to kick me out, and have this family all but cease to exist and be forgotten in the streams of time?"

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