Chapter 102: Light Side

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It seems like the Daphne chapter & Hermione chapter are neck to neck.


Giving his invitation to the house-elf that stood at the gates which lead into the Mansion, Harry watched as the people went inside the well light home. They were dressed in their finest just like him with the men wearing their best suits, and vest, and jackets. While the ladies had on lavish dresses with beautiful jewelry and excellent makeup.

Everyone came in a wild variety of different transport, some flying in on broom that shot out fireworks behind them, others on large flying carpets with countless hanger-ons.

Others came in magical carriages which drove by themselves or had fine magical steeds. Most though rode in with flying mounts of all kinds like Hippogriffs, Pegasus, Cloud Serpents, Dragonhawks, Drakes, Aries, and so forth.

Some drove in with magical cars which were enchanted by themselves as was the latest fashion.

One man even had a palanquin which was being carried by two trolls. While another was literally brought in by the winds. And one lady even came in with the loud triumphs of horns blaring across the place.

The different transport that everyone came in was as varied as their personality.

Harry for example came in on Sunchaser who flew out the moment they landed only to be called back when the party was over.

He could already hear some laughter from all the way out here as the party seem to be in full swing already.

The house-elf bowed once he took his invitations and waved his hand to allow him in. Nodding his head to the small little guy, Harry followed in with the large crowd. It seem like just about everyone was invited here as the crowd was very large and rowdy.

Stepping into the front door, he was greeted to the sight of two scantily dressed nymphs inside a large glided cage swing about two loops. In the middle of the grand hall there was a chocolate fountain where house-elves stood be ready to pour for you.

Looking up, he saw Wizard lights in the air lighting the whole place up, and he also caught small flirting forms up there as well. That could only be one thing, fairies, as their dust glittered down, and can cast a wonderful unearthly glow about.

Darting towards him was a small little pixie boy the size of a little baby dressed in fine butler clothing as his crystalline dragonfly like wings beat behind him. "Would you like a drink, my lord?" the little creature asked as it held out its plate to him.

"Thank you," Harry said as he took one of the cups filled with some sort of champagne and watched as the magical being flew away.

Singing beautifully inside a large water tank was three mermaids as their soft lovely voices filled the room.

There were many more attractions with the place as tables filled with food and drinks was everywhere. He could see people swimming about in the large pool, the terrace was open to chat and have private conversations. And there were so much more to do.

And it seem like Harry was immediately recognized as he walked inside. Large gaggles of women came up to him and quickly surrounded him trying to attract his attention. Lord and ladies came up to him to make business deals and secret pacts.

He also got approached with too many betrothal contracts to count as everyone knew the precarious situation his house was in as he needed to quickly produce heirs.

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