Chapter 116: Clash of Giants

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"Hey Peter," Harry called out to the coward, "how would you like to be bait for us!"

Not liking the look on his face one bit, the traitor trembled in fear and squeaked out, "W-what... what do y-you mean?"

"Don't worry," Harry said as a cruel malicious smile spread across his face. He could be a right bastard when he wanted to! However, you have to deserve it, and no one other than Peter deserve what was coming his way.

"You will only be doing what you do best, running!" he chuckled, it wasn't a friendly laugh, not at all, as he watched Peter shiver in fear from him.

"Bring him forward," Amelia said, waving to the Aurors that flanked him to either sides. Unlike him she didn't toy with him. But that didn't mean she had any pity or mercy for him.

"Kneal," she ordered as the Aurors shoved him to his knees.

"Look at me," she then ordered the traitor who had no choice but to crane his neck up to her. "I have a job for," Amelia simply said, "fulfill it and I might give you some leniency in your punishment!"

"But... but... I am innocent," Peter began to weep, "I did nothing. I... did not harm anyone...."

Before he could even get another lie out of his mouth, Amelia snapped her wand out and shoved it into his chest. With a word uttered, lightning rushed out of her wand and begin to electrocute the rat man. All he could utter was a wordless scream as his muscle contractions and his body spasmed in shock.

Amelia effectively used a taser gun on him!

Once the electric current ceased from jutting out of her wands, she shoved her wand below his chin and raised his head to face her. "If I hear another lie from out of your mouth then I will be very disappointed, and that would be the least of your worries," she whispered to him in a calm, reasonable tone that chilled the rat-man to his bones.

"Am I understood?" she asked as no one in the premises dared to saw a word, only the roars of the two creatures filled the air.

Nodding his head as quickly as he could, showing his assent, the rat man tried out a different tactic. "Anything for you, my lady!" he bootlicked, sniffing and snorting. "And if I do undertake this mission for you, what sort of leniency can I expect."

"For one, you won't be getting the Dementor's Kiss like so many of your close associates have," Amelia answered simply, though there was no doubt he would be spending a very long time in Azkaban for all that he had done.

"Thank you, thank you," the man begin to weep, for a traitor like him this was the best he could wish for and for a coward as well he would do anything to preserve his life. "I promise I will do as you command my lady," he promised as he bowed his head low.

"Meh, like I would trust your word," Amelia snorted. "Open up," she commanded as she grabbed his jaw and made him open his mouth, muttering a spell under her breath a red and orange light slipped into his mouth and down his throat.

With that the witch let him go, wiping her hand on her sleeves in disgust for having to do anything with him.

"W-what did you do?" he asked in fear.

"Nothing, but place a Bombarda inside of you," Amelia answered, simply stating the truth. "If you try anything the spell will go off and explosive Charm will go off inside your body. Try to unravel it and it would go off, go too far and it will go off, be gone for too long and it would go off.

So basically don't do anything that you think might set off the spell and cause you to explode from the inside."

"Don't thank us yet until you have heard what you need to do," Harry spoke up as he smiled a very happy and pleased smile.

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