Side Story - Scandal

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New POV*

Inside a grand and magnificent circular office, full of countless magical objects ranging from the most mundane and simple to the very powerful. A few very curious alchemical instruments sat on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke.

There were shelves filled with endless tones on a variety of subjects of magic. On the wall were portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames.

There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk right in the middle of the room with parchments pilled on top of it and a perch right next to it. Sitting behind it was a shabby, tainted wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat.

In the fireplace, a nice fire was going on making the room nice and toasty. Above the desk was a model of the solar system with was near to life as the planets slowly spinning around the sun.

Sitting on a large intricate chair was an old man with silver hair and beard both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was very tall, thin, and had on long flowing silvery-white robes that swept the ground. His blue eyes were light, bright, and sparkling behind half-moon spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice.

The old man was Albus Dumbledore one of the most powerful wizards in Magical Great Britain if not the one.

Suddenly there was a shrill beautiful cry of a bird-like creature that swept in the office on its beautiful ruby-colored wings. Doing a few circles in the air, it tossed a newspaper before the old man then landed on its perch.

"Thank you, Fawkes, the old wizard said as he tossed it one of its treats.

Unfurling the paper, the old man gave his tea a swirl then took a sip and began to see what the daily word was.

Glancing at only just the titles, his eyes nearly popped out and he almost had a heart attack on the spot, if only.

'The Biggest Scandal of the Century!'

'Boy-who-lived living in an abusive home!'

'Muggle animals, a threat to our society!'

'A call to action!'

'Dumbledore, Azkaban or Not?'

Reading over the articles, his mouth just continued to drop open as he had no words at all to form. This was so out of his plan. He never imagined... no he never thought in his life this would get out.

'Minister Fudge calling for Dumbledore to come before Wizengamot when back in session!'

Closing the newspaper shut and tossing it to the side, he sat back in his chair. Now that the truth was out he would have to work overtime to put out the fires.

But how? How did this happen?

This really derailed so many plans, plans done for the Light.

Thoughts swirled in his mind as the headache built, there will be no denying the newspapers would have a field day with him. And the Dark houses would add more fuel to the fire.

He really wanted to wipe them all out, but everyone deserved a second chance. Even the most vile and blackest of hearts.

Plus the wizarding population was at an all-time low, as the latest population census had wizarding-kind population at 1 to 8 muggles- leaving the wizarding population at only 750,000,000. That was way down from the 1 to 5 ratio that had been maintained for centuries on end, not even mentioning further back such as the times of Atlantis where all humans have been Homo Magi.

Godfather and GodsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora