Chapter 30: Potter Wizarding Tower

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Flying out of the fortress with cheering soldiers waving behind them, Harry was glad to note that this time they were not being shot down at. Or maybe it was the house legionary that were both happy to see their liege lord for the first time in over a dozen years and sadden to see him leave.

What can he say, it felt good to be wanted and loved!

Turning around and waving at the soldiers on the battlements for one final time, Harry spun around in his broom and got back on course.

"Hey, grandpa," Hary called out to Sirius who was on a dreadfully awful broom since his firebolt was all but destroyed when he got struck by that lightning bolt. He was lagging behind Harry right now since the broom that the Commander offered him as replacement for his old one was just as bad as the Hogwart's brooms.

"try to keep up," Harry said as he speeded off into the distance.

"Ah, you god awful brat," Sirius shouted back as Harry had him eating his dust.

Then once they were at a good distance away from the fortress so that their Apparition would not be distorted by the wards placed in the fortified structure. Harry started to slow down until he came to a stop and waited for Sirius who was faltering and swaying in the sky.

"Man," Harry teased, "if your flying is as good as that then I feel sorry for you. Even a simpleton could do better."

"Very funny," Sirius said once he landed on the ground. "We both know I had that race from before all but in the bag."

"Oh did you forget when you got struck by lightning?"

"Yea," Sirius said with a shrug, "that's because the gods themselves felt jealous about my magnificent flying."

"Arrogant, much?" Harry asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"What can say," Sirius replied as he held out his hands in a frivolous manner. "Now," Sirius said as he turned more serious, "we best be heading to our next destination, the hour is starting to get very late."

Looking up at the sky, Harry had to admit that he was right, now dusk was settling as the sun was all but nearly gone from the sky, and darkness was encompassing everywhere. They really needed to get a move on if they wanted to finish up this round trip, right now they aren't even halfway through all the properties he had in Great Britain.

"So where to next?" Harry asked his godfather. Harry had to admit through this tour he learned a lot he did not know about his family and the real nitty gritty stuff as well.

"It's to the Wizarding Tower," Sirius answered as he held out his hand for his godson.

"Ah, I really did want to visit that place," Harry said as he clutched the item he brought with him in his pocket.

"Well it is an amazing place," Sirius affirmed thinking that his mind was wandering over there. "It was the researching center of your family where new invention, potion, magical items, and so much more was made."

"So you are saying that they know their stuff?" Harry asked as he just wanted to make sure before he brought forth his idea before these so called scientists of his family.

"Yea," Sirius nodded his head, "but as Barnott put it many must have left when the funds dried up."

"So I take it that they are not the most loyal bunch?" Harry wondered out loud as they sounded like rats fleeing from a burning building.

"They are eggheads," Sirius chuckled out loud, "they are not like soldiers who are staunchly loyal to their lieges. They have a more practical view on thing, if you could say."

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