Chapter 21: Comeuppance Pt. 2

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Author NOTE:

I have been asked a really good question yesterday, WHY DIDN"T DUMBLEDORE GET A MORE SEVERE PUNISHMENT. He did after all steal from a vault, block a will, mind raped an account manager, and tried to actively attack the goblin council.

Well the answer is simple there is the limit to what the goblin nation can do. If they wanted they could have gone full out and tried to arrest him, but remember Dumbledore is a very powerful wizard so they would be taking a whole lot of casualties.

Think of it like this, two countries that can wipe each other out with nukes, of course they will try to prevent that. And the only thing open to them is trade blocks i.e in this case closing down his accounts.

Now to answer your next question I see a lot, why isn't Dumbledore down in the ground already. Well, his downfall is going to be slow. Dumby isn't someone you can take out just like that! He is a well known public figure and hero. His facade and wrongdoing must slowly be revealed so that the public at large can slowly process it all and see who he truly is and make him pay.

However for other people, as you will soon find out in this chapter, they can go down immediately and pay for what they did.

So, I hope that answers any big question you have, if you guys got more go ahead and ask down below I would be happy to answer them.



The sound of someone banging against the door of 4 Privet Drive early on a Saturday morning echoed in the quiet, still neighborhood.

"Open up," a voice called out as they once again banged against the front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," a blustering voice answered as a big, beefy man with a large purple face, and a bushy black mustache made his way down the stairs in his pajamas.

Behind him was a thin, blonde-haired woman with long neck like that of a giraffe, and a long face, lantern jaw, and large teeth.

"Mom, what's going on," an extremely fat boy with watery blue eyes and thick blond hair asked as he pulled at his mother's nightgown.

"Don't worry, Popkin," the woman answered in a sweet voice as she rubbed her son's face. "Go back to sleep, it is still very early."

"But mom, d- do... do you think it is that scary m- man?"

Freezing up, the horse face woman quickly collected herself, and then bent down towards her son. "NO, Diddykins, I do not think so. Even if it is your father and I will protect you."

"But... but you didn't protect me the first time!" the fat boy shouted. "All you did was tremble in fear."

"Now Diddykins," the woman said in a stern voice, "Go to your room."

"I don't want to," the spoiled brat answered as he crossed his hands and stood his ground.

Sighing, the woman did not what else to do but walk away. Coming up behind her husband, she saw as he opened the door and was greeted to the sight of two men dressed in brown and black suits.

"Greetings," the man in the black suit said. He was a young man either in his late twenties or early thirties. His partner in the brown suit was a gruff looking man who said nothing but stared.

"Who are you people," the fat mustache man asked in his combustive tone. He looked around the neighborhood and already saw that a few people were looking outside their window to see what was going on in curiosity. "And why in god's name are you beating against our door this early in the morning."

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