Chapter 4: Great Change

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"I think I might know who could have made this ward schematic."

"Who was it?" Mrs. Tonks asked in mild curiosity.

"Lily, of course," Sirius answered with a smile, "she was always into archaic and abstruse stuff. It would be so like her to have created this ward so that she could protect Harry beyond the grave. Dumbledore must have twisted it somehow," Sirius growled out as his anger towards that old man kept on building up with every action of his.

"What was the other thing you wanted to mention?" Sirius asked, as he put thoughts of the old man in the back of his mind. He will deal with that meddling old fool one day but now wasn't the time, his godson came first.

"This scar of his," Mrs. Tonks said as she pointed to the lightning bolt on Harry's forehead. "As you might know already cousin, this isn't a normal scar at all. Right now I am getting a lot of malicious and dark intent from it, too much really to brush it off as some regular curse. My theory is that where ever those intents are coming from it is most likely has to do with what happened that dreadful night."

"Is it of immediate concern?" Sirius questioned, right now it was looking like those old wounds he had, the poison, and all the stuff Dumbledore did to him was of immediate concern.

"Yes," the mediwitch replied gravely, "like I said before the scar is malevolent in nature and it isn't hostile to just everyone, but little Harry too. I have no idea how his psyche is still intact but he is under constant assault each waking moment."

"Could you remove it?" Sirius inquired, as he was much more attentive now.

"Sadly I can't," she answered with a shake of her head and a slow slump of her shoulder "This is truly out of my expertise."

"Do you have anything more I could go on, cousin?" Sirius asked, as he gazed down at the lightning bolt on Harry's forehead.

"No," the older witch replied.

"Mhm," Sirius said as he mulled over some thoughts.

"Do you know something?" Andromeda asked as she caught on to Sirius's ponderings.

"Yes, but it is some quite damning," Sirius replied as he willed his eyes wanting all these troubles to go away.

"What is it?" Andromeda asked, "If this can help Sirius you should tell me and before you start worrying yourself I strictly keep to my patient confidentiality, even more so for my nephew."

Sighing out loud, Sirius softly spoke as if he did not want anyone to hear what he had to say, "The reason why I brought Harry with me was because he told me that he had a dream in which he saw Voldermort."

Andromeda's eyes widened in shock as she heard what Sirius said, "He is still alive!"

"Yes," Sirius replied with a slow shake of his head, "he is very much alive and well."

"But how..." the older witch stuttered out, "and how could Harry have a vision of him? That can only happen when there is a familial bond or a deep one of husband and wife, parent and child."

"Like I said, damning in all cases," Sirius said with a weary sigh.

"So is that why you came here, to find some answers?"

"Yep," he answered with a nod, "this is one of the largest repositories of magical knowledge in all of magical Britain. So if not here where else would I find the answers I seek."

"Good," Andromeda said as her tone slightly increased in optimism, "You go down there and get started on that right now and I will begin with little Harry's treatment."

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