Chapter 66: Griffin Perch

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Soon he got all his 7 remaining vassals to swear their oaths' of fealty as they each knelt before him and kissed his Lordship ring- swearing obedient in all things and so forth.

Ser Berts on the other hand disgraceful was sent out of his new Keep with no land or titles to his name. He did want to behead him on the spot, but he would be seen as a brutal tyrant if he did, and images was everything for a noble.

In some circles, that kind of visage would be well respected like in Voldy's camp. But in the Light camp, it wasn't really taken that well.

Anyways he really didn't care one wit for the man, there really wasn't much damage he do against him with no lands, titles, source of income, or men to fight for him.

What Harry was more focused on was his newly sworn in vassals. He released a sigh of relief that he didn't even know he was holding back. Really, he only had two Cohorts on hand, and if they all decided to simultaneously mutiny against him he would be hard pressed to put them all down.

He really only had the Griffin and Hippogriff cohort and posted them at his most troublesome vassals, namely Ser Berts and his true master Baron Kerry. He knew he could count on those two to cause him trouble, so he was prepared.

Other than that, he only counted for the others to remain in line if he had an example of one. Which was very precarious and counted on a whole lot of luck on his side.

It was only thanks to the fact that he was able to fib them all and hoodwink them into thinking that he had a fully armed and ready Legion on hand that they started to have second thoughts of defying him.

Nevertheless, in the end his plan worked out, and everyone was lining up to kiss his ass.

Still, he could see some weren't too happy about being forced into swearing unbreakable vows to him, and he really didn't make any friends with them with his power play.

But he really didn't give to fucks. All he wanted was for them to be in line, so he didn't have to worry about some knifing him in the back or starting trouble in his own backyard.

Still he had to keep in mind an unbreakable vow wasn't absolute. Yes, they wouldn't be able to resist him completely now that he had them sworn to him and they would have to follow his commands to a degree, but still...

They could find someway in disobeying him; like for example delay their tribute, second guess his orders, be a pain in the ass, and so forth.

Setting that aside for now, Harry turned to the men that occupied the room at large, "Now, that all that is out of the way. I had the cooks prepare a small feast in honor of you all. If you would sup with me, then we may discuss things over a meal."

Bobbing their head in general agreement, a servant came to lead them to the great hall which was now lined with his family banners instead of Ser Gimbal's devices which have been struck down at his orders.

Most of his vassals took notice of it, and Ser Watts asked with a stern gaze, "So are you reabsorbing Ser Gimbal's assets, my lord?" he added the last part begrudgingly.

"Yes," Harry replied frankly, "I plan to rename this place, Griffin Perch. A good place to station some Hippogriff riders, and I also plan to open up mines in the mountain behind this keep. Sadly it seems like House Chalet did not take advantage of what they were given by my great-grandsire. So, it would seem fit that my house does now."

"Doesn't your house have more than enough estates and holdings, my old?" Baron Kerry asked with a scowl. The jealously was clearly evident on his face, if he could have it his way then he would have been the one owning this keep and taking its riches from the mountain.

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