Chapter 68: Dueling Club

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It was good to be back in these old and very familiar castle walls, he had been gone for only a week, but it felt like a whole eternity to him!

Harry greeted all his acquaintances and friends, who were all happy to see him back in their own different ways. Plus he had the sad encounter with his enemies and hated rivals, more sad for them really than him as they looked like nothing more than yapping monkeys.

Classes were back in session after the weekend that the students had to themselves. So just like any Monday that started off the week, the hallways were packed with students making their way thru and fro going to their classes, clubs, activities, and so forth.

The jam wasn't really helped by Peeves who took great enjoyment in tossing about water balloons at the students.

Regardless it was looking like a great week for him as he didn't have any Snape to deal with and only teachers that exalted him to the top and those he could stare at all day long and who knows what else they could do.

However he recalled that he did have his lessons instead with Dumbledore himself, so that was a real bummer. Who knows what the old man could uncover with his close proximity to him. But he set that aside for now, he would deal with the issue as it came up.

What Harry did notice as he made his way through the hallways of the castle were posters plastered everywhere. Tearing one of them down. he read it to himself; Dueling Club Reopened!

It would seem Professor Flitwick bite the snare, reading the notice sheet, he saw that it would be opened for next week with 2nd through 7th year students allowed in. Continuing to peer at the post, he read that Professor Flitwick would be leading the club along side the other house heads such as Professor Mcgonagall, Professor Sprout, and the new head of Slytherin Professor Vector.

Finally, he understood the underlying excitement and chitter throughout the whole school, Dueling Club was back in session! Unlike last time with an idiotic fraud and a cold blooded tormentor leading the group this time we had competent teachers to lead things.

Some how word also got around that the short little man was a Master Duellist and then went on to become a Dueling Champion. And for the first time the students treated the half-goblin with something besides respect that he was accorded as a Professor, Awe!

Onc Harry saw the notice even he was excited and couldn't wait for the day to arrive. He wondered how the little man would structure his class and what he would be teaching, what he would have them do, and so forth.

From throughout the hallways, to the classrooms, the Great Hall, outside, and nearly everywhere else students and even staff members were discussing this latest news. Coming down for breakfast, he could see that Dumbledore wasn't too happy about the prospect of his students learning to fight and duel.

The man was the embodiment of peace and harmony all that bullshit that got his students killed when they went out to the real world. The wizarding world wasn't a peaceful paradise in these ancient stone walls you might think that, but it was far from the truth.

There was danger at every corner with Dark Lords rising up ever so often, magical beasts that terrorize the countryside once in a while, magical beings that hold no love for wizards in general, monsters that preyed on the weak, dangerous artifacts that get loose, and so much more the list just goes on all day.

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