Chapter 87: Reveal

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Walking to the old man's office for his private lessons with instead of going to his double potions which he used to do on the Fridays. He greeted the gargoyles guarding the front and walked into the grand and magnificent circular office.

Harry noticed once again that the old man wasn't in, which was good for him really since he didn't have to deal with him. Let him be boggled down at the International Confederation of Wizards.

He did however take notice of was the beautiful flaming red bird perched on a lovely wooden stand. It gazed at him once he entered, and Harry just nodded his head to Fawkes and tossed him a treat from his Lordship ring.

Setting up his cauldron and putting it to a simmer on top of the claw-footed desk, Harry opened up his potion book to a certain page which was the potion he would be working on for the day.

In just a matter of an hour or two, Harry was done with his potion and set it aside for the old man to look over when he came back.

Since he had plenty of time, Harry did what he usually did, and went to the shelves filled with endless tones on a variety of subjects on magic.

Harry just couldn't believe all the knowledge contained in here, it was indeed a very vast collection of magical tones, spell books, rare magic theories, valuable experiments, ground breaking research, and so much more.

He couldn't help as he had to wipe the drool that always slipped out the corner of his mouth when he gazed up at this great collection. Since there was no one here to stop him, or tell him off he ran his fingers along the books reading off the titles until one grabbed his interest and he pulled it off the shelf.

Heading over to seat himself in one corner to relax and read, he heard a squawk, and turning around to look at Fawkes, he saw the bird gazing at him. Already Harry knew what that look meant, "Are you not afraid of becoming fat, Fawkes?" he asked with a deep chuckle as he took out another treat and tossed it to the flaming bird.

Looking at him angrily as he caught the snack from right out of the air, he tore into it as if to say, 'NEVER!'

"Suit yourself," he said with a shrug, "don't blame me when you become too fat to even lift yourself up into the air," he teased.

Squawking angrily at him as the giant flaming bird waved its wings around, Harry had a good laugh as he run to sit himself near the fireplace where he was nice and toasty.

Soon, Harry was relaxing back on a bean bag he summoned and enjoying his evening as he devoured some books.

He was so absorbed with his book that he didn't even notice it when someone came through the fireplace. Then the stranger came up to him and muttered, "Mmm, Unique Defensive Arts of Castles, really is a good magic book!"

Jumping up as his book was tossed to the side, Harry was out with his wand in a flick and was already in a defensive stance.

"Professor Dumbledore," he said in surprise as he turned to face the speaker.

"I see you are quick on your feet," the old man softly smiled while not being unfazed in the least bit with the wand pointed at his face.

"Sorry," Harry said as he put away his wand, "You just surprised me."

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