Chapter 39: Lordship Duties Pt. 2

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I want to clarify so there is no confusion, Extra chapters are on Tues, Thur, and Satur. My regular release dates are on Mon, Wed, and Fri!

Anyways, here is the first of it, let's please maintain that wonderful high rank!!!!

Rank 50- One EXTRA Chapter!!! (Tues)

Rank 25- Another EXTRA Chapter!!! (Thur)

Rank 10- the Third EXTRA Chapter!!! (Satur)


"It is just your wizarding language is very common, and it is not that close to the source of magic."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked for the second time as if he sounded like a broken recorder on repeat.

"What she means is that all language is derived from the Words of Creation, this is the first words ever spoken and is the very language of the universe. Just speaking one word of it has very powerful effects," Fluttershy began to explain and as she spoke each word her confidence built up until she was speaking clearly and confidently.

He never knew that she was a scholar but now that she was in her role, she was rocking it. "Ever language out there whether it be the Celestial language, Dark Speech, Old Tongue, Draconic language, or even God Speech tries to replica the Words of Creation and they come out with a varying degrees of successes.

Your Latin that most of you European wizards and witches use is common because it is far away from the true essence of the Words of Creation. Thus to better streamline and optimize your magic you need a better language."

"So the Fey language it is," Harry finished for her as he finally got the full picture.

All of the sudden, realizing she had spoken more than a few words, the little scholarly fairy went back to being her sky old self. All she squeaked out through the folds of her butterfly like wings that covered her up was a, "Yes."

"Mhm," Harry said as he rubbed at his chin while giving the three fairies a once over. Then finally speaking up, he stated like it was a fact which it was, "but you are not fey, right? You are fairies, don't you have your own tongue you speak?"

"Yes, we have our own language," Fluttershy answered as she went slightly red in the face.

"But you are an outsider," Bravegrass simply stated.

"Anyways, the Fey langue is still more powerful than ours," Twistyweb answered with a sigh. "It is the language that nearly all creatures that inhabited nature use."

"Okay," Harry said, he could understand wanting some privacy especially with his kind, wizards, going around enslaving them and a whole bunch of other creatures. Regardless they are still kind enough to teach him tongue which in this case equates to more power.

"Okay let's began," Fluttershy said, "the language of the fey is called Sylvan. It was created by...."


Coming back to the hear and now, Harry sounded out the alphabet of the language out loud with the fairies correcting each mistake he made. He was a bit frustrated that he was still trying to master the alphabet of this weird tongue which were strange shapes.

However, as the tiny little fairies put it he was making excellent progress. The more powerful a language got the more difficult it became to learn and master. Even they, who have been speaking this language for numerous years have a long way to go to master it.

One example that they gave him was about an order of monks that live high on top of a mountain, secluding themselves for countless years there just so they could learn a single shout, i.e dragon word.

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