Chapter 63: Deception

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Being fully decked out for war with his Battle Robe on, his wand in his holster, and even a spare strapped to leg. Harry watched as Sunchaser landed right before him as he too was ready for battle with his armor on and talon extensions gleaming in the early afternoon sun.

Bending its head for him as he jumped on to its back and made himself comfortable as best he could, the Royal Gryphon took a few step forward until the grand gathering of his army was presented down below in the basin.

People were hurrying about like busy bees as they prepared to go off to war for him and his cause, Lieutenant Alex who was aside his Griffin followed by Lieutenant Riley who landed on his left with his Hippogriff silently watched the preciation going on with him.

"Are they ready?" he asked, his two Lieutenants.

"Yes, my lord," they shouted together at the same time with nods of their head.

Kicking Sunchaser to take another step forward as he then followed it up with spreading his wings out as if he read his mind, though that wouldn't be far off the mark at all since they did have such a close connection.

Nevertheless his action got all the soldiers' attention even those who were watching from the precipice and balconies of the fort that would be staying behind to keep the fortress operating.

Taking a deep breath, he knew he would have to give something inspiring to the men and women who would be risking their lives and well being.

"ATTENTION," he shouted which had all the soldiers standing tall and n order.

"Today we will be putting down a rebel knight who thinks himself better than us! Who think he can steal from us and what is rightfully ours. Who thinks he can easily mow us down with his rebel force. Is that TRUE!"

"NO, Sir, No," they all shouted back.

"I can't hear you!" he bellowed as he directed his ear at them.

"NO, Sir, NO," they shouted as their voices echoed over the whole pass and mountain waking even the dead.

"That is what I thought, and now we will show him exactly that. We will be the ones coming into his home. Destroying his armies, reaping justice upon him, and bringing the ax down on him. WE will show him who the GRIFFIN LEGION is. Are you with me Men!"

Breaking out into loud cheers, even those who weren't coming had their blood pumped as if they were the ones going to battle instead of boring guard duty.

"Then we ride OUT!" Harry called out as he heeled Sunchaser and he begin to take to the air. Soon he was followed by his two Lieutenants then by hundred upon hundred of men and women own Griffins of all sorts right at his heel.

Soon the very sky was dotted out by his men, to go off to War.


Spotting House Chalet Keep from off miles away on the back of Suncahser, the same couldn't be said for the residents who did not notice the approaching army from the sky at all. It was thanks to massive clocking spells that he had cast that prevented anyone to spot them through the mundane ways like sight, telescopes or even satellite and the magical as well.

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