Chapter 44: World Cup

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Walking up the exclusive private seats, Harry could feel the feverish excitement all around. The stadium was already starting to get packed even though there were a couple hours left before the game would even start.

His group and the Weasleys, continued their long climb up the purple carpeted rows until they finally reached the top boxes. The place was empty except for a house-elf who must have been there to reserve her master's seat, though he did not know why- since these seats were already booked and set aside for whoever it belong to.

Something at the back of his mind nagged at him, but he just shook it off.

Talking their seats, Sirius who was in his American persona, and Mr. Arthur Weasley continued on with their own little conversation.

"It good that Harry has somebody to take care of him besides those muggles," he stated as the clear distaste of those people were evident in his tone.

"But doesn't he have us to take care of him," Ginny asked sweetly.

"Yes, of course, sweetly," Mr. Arthur nodded briskly, "but it good for Harry to widen his connections, aye."

"Yes," Sirius agreed, "and James and I were best of friends, it is the only the thing I could do for him."

Glancing over at the rest, from the Weasleys to Tonks, Remus, and Daisy.

When both of their eyes met, Harry quickly averted his gaze, he still did not know how to face her after she walked in on that scene.

Trying to distract his mind, he picked up his Omnioculars a neat little family invention of his House, and started to look around with it.

Already there had to be millions of wizards and witches packed in the place and more were coming in each minute.

Just then white-blond hair obstructed his magical binoculars vision and he took it off to see the Malfoy family walking in.

It was a tense moment as everyone looked daggers at each other, however, it was quickly broken as Sirius got up and greeted. "Lucius how to good to see you and you too my lady and young Malfoy."

"Yes," the man said, "it is good to see you as well, Andrew was it."

"Yes, yes," Sirius uttered as he waved away the clear disrespect. "You know the Weasley family, I dare say?"

Looking icy at the redheads who returned the gaze pound for pound, he answered, "Yes, I have met the weasel. Not the best of companies."

"Aaa, they fine folks alright, you just have to get to know them."

Looking appalled at the very idea of that, Narcissa cut in as she wrapped her arm around her husband. "Well it was good to see you, you too as well," she said as she looked at him with what he could only call a steamy look.

"Yes," Sirius agreed as a dark look crossed his face, "very great indeed."

Walking up to their seats, Harry turned to the Weasely who had a varying degree of dark looks on their faces, turning to Bill who was sitting on his right, he asked. "You guys sure do hate the Malfoys, huh?!"

"You can say that," the older wizard answered.

Hearing their conversation, Charlie who sat to his older brother's right answered, "Us and the Malfoys have a blood feud that goes all the way back."

"Yea," Fred cut in who sat on his left, "those itty little bit serpents have been a pain in our ass ever since they arrived here in Magical Great Britain."

"Bro is right," George agreed, "but the biggest issue we have with each other is when they stole our ancestral home 2 generations back."

Slowly but surely the private box was filled up as he noted Lords and Ladies of Magical Great Britain pilled in. There were all dressed in expensive fineries from enchanted clothing to rare jewelry.

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