Chapter 113: Riddle Manor

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Heads up, I will be releasing 10 chapters this week. So stay tuned!

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so please go check it out!

Coming out of Barty Jr.'s mind, Harry snapped his eyes wide open and nearly fell as he got assaulted by a wave of vertigo. He felt like bending over and vomiting everything in his stomach as the world spun before him. His body was still getting used to the strange shift that happened on a mental level.

Removing his hand from off of Barty jr.'s head, Harry saw the state the death eater was in. Drool fell from the corner of his lip as he sat stock still in his seat, and his eyes had a vacant cast over them as all the hate and fury was gone from them replaced by nothing but glassy emptiness.

He was truly and utterly mind dead. Harry could see his chest rising and falling as he still breathed in and he looked perfectly normal in his seat, but Harry knew that he was long gone. His mind was completely shattered and was unrecoverable.

For the rest of his days, he would send his time as a drilling mess that can not do or say anything for himself.

It was a fitting end to a man who caused so much pain and suffering upon others, to now be left at their mercy and compassion.

Shaking his head in disgust, Harry figured the death eater should never have left his faith into his heartless and cruel master. The imprint that Voldermort left in his servant's mind showed no mercy at all in destroying his follower's mind when he saw that his secrets were at risk of being revealed.

All Voldermort really cared about was number one, himself. He had no love or compassion for anything or anyone else and if they thought he did, they would be sorely mistaken.

Some might see that as a strength, but Harry only saw it as a weakness.

You can drop his allies like flies and he wouldn't care at all, only reminiscing at the lost of a valuable tool or such. In the end, he will be left with no one and Harry would gladly make sure to see that happened as he finally delivers the final death blow on to him.

"What a sad loss," Dumbledore shook his head as he stared at the brain dead criminal.

Abruptly, they heard loud voices from outside the doors as it sounded like people screaming at each other in loud voices. Then suddenly, the door to the office spun open, and people begin to file in.

Snape who looked a bit ruffled and piqued, uttered, "I tried to stop them Headmaster, but they just wouldn't take a no!"

Looking at the people who filed into the room, Harry spotted plenty of Auror in their long military-grade trench coat, and amount them he spotted a very familiar pink hair, Tonks.

Of note among the crowd were two people he knew very well, Amelia Bones Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Kingsley Shacklebolt Head of the British Auror Office. He saw that they were each battle ready with enchanted trench coats on and their wands firmly held in their hands.

"It is alright, Severus," Dumbledore smiled at the Potion Professor. "Amelia, Kingsley it is so good of you to visit me!"

"Cut the bullshit, Dumbledore," Amelia said with a snort. "Minerva told us you apprehended the wanted criminal Bartemius Crouch Jr, a well known Death Eater. We are here to bring him in and see that he faces justice!"

Clearing his throat, Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke up, "Ahhh, Amelia I think you should look over there," he said as he pointed to the drooling mess which was Barty Jr.

Finally taking notice of the man seated on the chair behind them, Harry could understand why she didn't spot him any sooner. They were effectively blocking him off with their bodies and covering up what they had done.

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