Chapter 112: Mindscape

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Heads up, I will be releasing 10 chapters this week. So stay tuned!

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so please go check it out!

Furthermore, there will be some changes, it won't be impacting the story in anyway, but it would be for the best. And that being, I plan to change the ages of the characters.

What do I mean? Well first and foremost, Harry will be 18 and how that would work is that Hogwarts will be for students between the age of 14 to 21. Thus since it is Harry's fourth year, he is 18 years old.

I do this for many reasons, so that firstly there isn't any underage sex, secondly, I will be going back to do some revisions, and so on. Don't worry, the story will continue at its regular pace, I will just be editing it on my leisure.


"Alright take a seat," Professor Dumbledore said as he sat Barty Jr. in one corner of his office. There were chains wrapping all along his body constricting his movement and stopping him from trying anything funny, though that didn't stop him from cursing at us.

He really had a tongue on him as any proper lady would faint if she heard what was coming out of his mouth and he would rot away your ears if you listened to him too long.

After the battle concluded and Barty was in chains and manacles, they were able to get out in the nick of time as the office collapsed behind them. After suffering all that punishment it couldn't stay standing any longer and it fell in on its weight, leaving a large gaping hole as the stone and rubble poured down outside on to the lawn, and the collapsed room was now open to the weather.

With all that raucous they caused they were bound to draw attention as people started to pour in. Professor McGonagall was first to come upon them as they dragged Barty Jr. out by the cuff of his shirt.

At that point the man was a raving lunatic as he tried everything to see himself killed and to be honest he still was. And Harry won't deny he was started to get on his nerve and would love nothing more than to shut him up, permanently.

Anyways that was the sight that many people came upon, a well known crimal in hand and an office room all but destroyed right behind him.

It was obvious to any idiot what went down, and Harry was sure by now the rumor mill which was the student body was already spreading the tale to each and every soul in the castle.

Professor McGonagall was also quickly able to draw her own conclusion as she stared long and hard at the clothing the man was wearing, namely Moody's.

She had the crowd gathering quickly dispersed which was a difficult task since students were a magnet to trouble though she wasn't having any of that none sense and sent back everyone to their dorms.

Now she was on her way to calling the Auror who would be arriving any time soon in the castle.

"I think it is time we withdraw Moody from that suitcase, don't you?" Dumbledore asked with a smile as he pointed to the suitcase Harry had clutched in his hands close to his chest.

"Oh, yes, yes," Harry said as he nodded his head as he set the suitcase down on the floor. He nearly forget about the poor man after all that happened today. Just being locked up in this suitcase for any few moments longer than was necessary must be unbearable to him.

Leaning down Harry saw that the traveling bag had some wards placed on it preventing anyone from inside for leaving, however for those who wanted to open it from the outside there were no defenses against it.

Unclasped the fastener open, Harry swung the suitcase open and peered inside.

Sitting in a closet-like room was the real Alastor Moody, he looked up as the light begin to pour in, taking in his saviors.

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