Chapter 76: Fay Dunbar (R-18)

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Looking through the ceiling in the Great Hall, Harry saw that it was a pleasant morning today. The heavy clouds of pewter gray that swirled about overhead all last week was gone, now the sun was shining brightly in the sky and the clouds were pleasantly drifting about.

Harry, Neville, and Hermione double checked their homework as they silently ate their breakfast. A few seats along, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were discussing magical methods of aging themselves and bluffing their way into the Triwizard Tournament.

"Today's not bad outside," Neville noted, while running his finger down his Herbology homework, to double check for any mistakes, or more like they were. He was the master when it came to magical plants and fungi, so they always deferred to his wisdom on the matter.

"We got Herbology with and Care of Magical Creatures with the Hufflepuffs. And arithmancy with the Ravenclaws. Pretty good," he said with a happy nod.

Of course he meant they did not have to deal with the Slytherins. Harry learned they weren't all bad, they might be a bit pretentious, but after meeting Daphne, Tracey, and Zabini he learned that there might be some actual decent folk in that house. But still, people like Draco and his ilk spread a bad image of the house, making most distance themselves or in his house share a deep enmity towards them all.

"Well then, let's head out," Harry said as he finished up the last of his meal. It wasn't as fancy as the stuff that Kreacher, but he made do with that he had. He had been after all living on his relative's scraps for over a decade, he never he imagined he would developed a fancy palate or anything.

Put food in front of him, and he would devour it.

"Ahh, Hermione," he said as he and Neville got up and were ready to head out, but the busy hair witch was in one of her distracted bouts that took her fancy whenever.

"Yes, yes," she said as she collected her books, "let's go."

Staring at her all day as they made it through their Herbology and then came to their Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, Harry couldn't make heads or tails what was bothering her.

He knew something was, get to know someone for over years and you know when they are upset about something. But he didn't know what it was.

Paying attention to Hagrid for the moment as he brought in a Diricawl for the day.

The big man begin to talk about the bird like creature.

It was like plump prehistorical chicken more than anything with rainbow colored fluffy feathers.

"Dis bird is known as a Dodo ter de muggles. So'tiz a flightless magical bird dat can be mostly foun' in de island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. While the muggles believed dis bird ter be extinct, in reality, it existed an' 'ad de ability ter disappear an' reappear anywhere close at hand as a means av escapin' danger. An' as yer can note it is very similar ter apparition, that's cos we wizards invented de spell after watchin' an' learnin' from these magical creatures. So de next time yer see a Portkey, Vanishing Cabinet, or the Floo Network, you can thank these birds for existence of them all."

Nodding his head along as he listened to Hagrid go on about the creature with students taking down notes, Harry felt like giving himself a pat on the back. The big man was doing very well, as he took to heart all the avises he offered him, and brought his classes to a whole nother level from before. Now he looked very professional and scholarly as he had a clear goal in mind.

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