Chapter 38: Lordship Duties Pt. 1

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"You will also need to review these, my lord," a clear crisp voice stated as more parchments where piled on his desk.

Groaning in pure whimper, Harry felt like crying in tears of despair. Right now he was back at his family's castle, after he and Sirius where done going on their little tour of all the estates and lands of his family, it was time to come back home.

Packing up his bags and saying goodbye to everyone, he was ready to assume his role as Lord.

Now that he was here and took up the burden, he knew he bit off more than he could chew. All-day, every day he is sitting on his desk and doing paperwork. Who knew that there was so much god damn paperwork to do.

Now, whenever he sees any sort of parchment he has a wave of burning anger in the pit of his stomach and he wishes he could burn them to a pile of ashes that could drift off into the wind.

He so wished that he could half-ass it or even skip it altogether, but Tobry his ever diligent pain in the ass always had his eyes on him like a hawk. Whenever he slips up or does not step up to the task the house-elf just looks at him with those infuriating disappointed look as if he failed himself and his family line.

"Can I get a break," Harry whined for the umpteenth time. He had the most splitting headache from doing all this desk job and his mind felt like it was filled with lead.

"Teatime will be in an hour, my lord, then you can have your break," the well dressed up house-elf answered.

Harry really felt like strangling him, but he knew that the little creature was just doing its job even if it made his life miserable. He couldn't wait until the week was out, then it would be to the Quidditch World Cup!

He would get the well needed break he derseved, and would be a whole week away from the life sapping work.

"Now," the house-elf continued as he started reading the messages and memo he got which he took up to doing to ease his work. "You got a missive from the Commander of the Legion asking if he could buy 1,000 different Spell Gauntlet."

"What are those?" Harry asked as he signed off on a parchment then sealed it with wax and stamped down on it with his lordship ring which changed into his family coat of arms as he pressed down.

Staring off in his most educator tone, the house-elf explained, "Spell Gauntlet are magical items that come premade with spells already woven into them. All you have to do is pour magical power into them and wa la."

"So it basically cuts down on spell casting time," Harry said cutting to the heart of the matter.

"Yes," the house-elf answered with a shake of his head.

"Approve of it, and tell him to continue with the good work with all the pleasantries of course," Harry said with a wave of his hand.

"I will get right to it, my lord."

Just then a blue-haired maid interjected with a, "more tea, Master~"

Not looking up at the Living Construct he brought along to the castle from the mansion, Harry just proffered up his empty cup and the maid got to filling it then adding his complimentary milk and sugar just the way he liked it.

Once she was done Harry took the steaming cup and took a sip, "Wonderful like always, Rem," he commented as he smacked his lips together.

"Thank you, Master," she uttered with a sweet happy smile as she curtsied for him.

Looking over at the other maid sister who was rearranging his large pile of parchments in an orderly fashion for him. Their eyes meet for a single moment and Harry gave her a playful wink, she quickly turned her gaze as a blush crept up her face.

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