Chapter 20: Comeuppance Pt. 1

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Waking up the next morning Harry felt more than saw that his partner was long gone from the bed. Stretching, Harry yawned as he felt the most refreshed and vigor in living memory. It was like she shed off all the stress at accumulated all his life and especially these past few days. He felt like he could run a dozen miles and he could eat a horse.

More than anything really he felt very hungry, he guessed nightly activities do take a lot out of you and gives you a ravenous appetite.

Getting out of bed, Harry headed to the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom and took a quick shower and freshen himself up. After that, he put on some of the new clothes that he bought yesterday which for once fit him perfectly. Then he headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning," Harry greeted to everyone who sat at the table. Lupin was reading the newspaper that just came in this morning while he drank his coffee, and Sirius was preoccupied with his food.

"You seem to be in a chipper mood," Sirius noticed as he watched his godson seat himself at the table.

"What can't I be in a happy mood?" the young wizard asked as he grabbed some food from the table.

"Well, you are in too good of a mood."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Harry asked as he looked up at the man in confusion.

"No," Sirius said as he had a contemplation look on his face, "it is not a bad thing but there must be something that has you in such a good mood."

"I do not understand you at times," Harry said as he quickly glossing over the landmine. Harry did not want to talk about what went down last night, unlike his godfather he did to have a big mouth so he discreetly changed the topic. "Do you know where Tonks is? Her mother did leave her here to stay over."

"No," Lupin answered this time, "maybe she is still trying to sleep off all that partying for last night."

Just when the werewolf uttered that, Tonks came down the stairs and into the kitchen where they were having breakfast.

"There she is," Sirius uttered as he welcomed her to the table. "Come, come, eat. If you have a hangover, tell me, I have the perfect cure for it."

"No, I am good," Tonks said as she graciously waved it off.

"Is there something wrong with your legs?" Lupin asked a bit concerned as he saw he limping a bit.

Smiling to himself, Harry watched as the young witch blushed crimson red, and stutter. "Oh, this.... it- its nothing. I just stubbed your toe against a door."

If only they knew the truth, Harry thought, he recalled very well the long hours that they stayed up trying every single position and fucking like animals everywhere in his room. It was obvious she was still feeling the aftereffects after they very proactive shag they had as they fucked fucked their brains out.

"Must have been really painful," Harry voiced as he had a sly grin on his face

Turning to face him, Tonks fidgeted a little bit but she quickly collected herself and turned a bit cold towards him and replied back with. "You have no idea! Someone just couldn't let me rest at all."

Just as they were about to pick up an argument between themselves, there was a tapping noise at their window. Turning to see who or more acutely what was at their window they saw a beautiful brown and gold eagle perched outside their window.

"Is that a Gringotts eagle?" Lupin asked to no one in particular.

"Sure is," Sirius replied as he got up and let the creature in.

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