Chapter 62: Traitor

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Turning to look in the direction the noise was coming from, his jaws nearly dropped when he saw Keythong come running out of the deeper recess of the warehouse.

The only question on his mind was, 'What the fuck were his family bonded bests doing here!'

He must have not seen them on his Magic Sight thanks to how secluded they were in some pens. Though that wasn't what mattered to him, there was a good fifty Keythong of his family charging headlong at them.

Shaking his head to get rid of all the shock and surprise that clouded his mind, he could deal with that later when he gets his hand on one of the bandits. Now however he needs to stop these Griffin-kin before they start attacking his men.

Stepping up, he faced down the creatures imperiously and commanded with a deep ringing voice, "STOP!" With his deep bond with the creatures, it would be child play to take control of them, and it was very foolish of his enemies to use Griffins that couldn't even harm a single hair on his body.

However he was a bit surprised when they did not heed his command, at first he figured it was just Keythong being Keythong- they were always the rebel child of the Griffin-kins that his family reared in the Roost. They were petulant and savage in nature making them difficult to control if you didn't have a tight leash on them.

Nevertheless, they knew who their masters were, voice harding as this time Harry held his arm up in a stop gesture, "I Command you to cease this folly RIGHT NOW."

Once again he watched as they did not heed his command in the least bit, and just as he was frozen in his surprise, they were nearly upon him as their tongue lulled out, claws stretched out, and murder was in their eyes.

If one of the soldiers wasn't bold enough to tackle him to the ground and another put up an earthen wall to defend them, then he could have imagined that his life would have ended right then and there. The Keythong clawed and bite at the fortification with savage ferocity as it was obvious they were going for his life and that of his men.

"W-what.... the hell was that!" he shouted to no one in particular as he sat dazed on the ground. The control of all Griffin creatures was absolute! They should have, no they must have headed his command, but why did they not do so?

But now, here he was facing a whole different reality.

Getting up from the ground and looking through the small murder holes in the earthen wall, he could see how the creatures piled on each other while savagely tearing into the wall.

Staring at them long and hard, he noticed how blood shot their eyes were as if they were possessed which now that he thought on it was the only likely reason why they did not follow his command. Be that as it may, he would still have to put them down. Looking at them, just the thought of it tore at his heart, the bond between him and Griffin-kin creatures when both way. No harm could be visited on the other.

But he hardened his heart, what needed to be done should be done.

Stepping back from the wall as his hand balled into a fist, he turned to his men, "Prepare a Joint Spell - Divina Percuties Eam (Divine Smite)!"

Nodding their head everyone begins to chant the spell he called out while the Keythong tore at the crumbling defense.

Suddenly from over head there were the loud cracks of lightning bolts from across the heaven, looking up at the glass windows up above that provided a great view to the vaults of heaven he could see the supernatural gathering of thunder clouds.

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