Chapter 111: Barty Jr.

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Sorry for being a no show for these past few day, I have fallen sick and needed some time off. Now I am feeling better, so it's back to the writing.

The good news is that I plan to release 10 chapters this week, 1 chapter Mon-Thur, 2 on Fri-Sun! So stay tune.

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so go check it out!


"Before we head out," the old man said as Harry made for the door, "would you like to pick any magical items for back up?" he asked as he indicated towards his shelves.

Harry noted the countless magical objects ranging from the most mundane and simple to the most powerful magic items he had seen filling the shelves like they were just random junk and not priceless items that you could rarely get your hands on.

It was the stuff of legends which would have you drooling from the mouth like he often did even though he had a much grander collection in his family vault.

"What would be useful for the battle ahead?" Harry asked as there was just too much to choose from and all of them would really be some good choices.

"Mmm," the old man said as he rubbed his long silvery beard while gazing at his collection. "I think this would do," he muttered as he withdrew a golden bracelet. "Oh, and this too," he added as he picked out a ring.

Handing them to him, Harry stared at them and asked the most important question, "What do they do?"

"This here," the old man said as he pointed to the golden bracelet, "puts up a very powerful shield, nearly impregnable to all spells and could take any sort of physical damage and still see you out! The creator of this item was once said to survive a mountain falling on top of him, though he did die of dehydration and hunger after being stuck there for months on end," he added on a grim note. "Though his bones were still shielded and protected by this bracelet when his body was recovered," he concluded with a smile as if that would make him feel better.

"And this," he said pointing to the ring, "this allows you to cancel a spell basically. It is an antimagic ring! You have to be quick on your feet though as point the ring at the spell you want to cancel out and the ring does the rest."

Raising one eyebrow, Harry slowly nodded his head, these were indeed some really impressive items. Putting them on, he spun them around looking at them from every corner. They could prove to be lifesavers in this little raid.

"Fawkes, keep watch," the old man said to the flaming bird, "and make sure he does not escape!"

Nodding its head, all quiet disposition was gone from the large bird as it became serious and stood tall on its perch.

"Thank you old friend," the old man smiled. Then looking to him, he nodded his head and uttered, "let's go!"

With that, they headed out of the office ready for battle.


As they made their way down the hallways of the castle, there really weren't that many people making their way about the castle grounds at this late of an hour with curfew arriving soon.

However they did meet a few people along the way who stared at them in confusion wondering where they were going in such a deadly show of force. They even meet Professor Septima Vector along the way who had a stack of papers in her hand she must have been about to grade tonight.

She came to a stop when she saw them and noticing that something wasn't right, she asked the headmaster, "What is going on, Professor Dumbledore?"

"Nothing, I will tell all the faculty members including you later what happened, but for now please back sure that all the students are back in their dorms!"

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