Interlude - Sirius's adventure Pt. 2

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Picking his way carefully and making sure not to step on any tails or paws, Sirius had no idea how these creatures would react to him after he was apart from them for decades on end.

Just as he was halfway through the throng, one of the Cerberus stirred.

Freezing in place, the wizard did his best to try and hold his breath, and stay as still as possible with not even a muscle moving an inch. Counting the seconds in his head, once he reached 100, he slowly turned to the one that stirred in its sleep, and thankfully it was back to snoozing.

Letting out a deep breath he did not even know he was holding back, Sirius wiped away at the sweat on his forehead and continued on his way.

However, unknown to him was that the Cerberus he imaged went back to sleep, actually opened one of its eyes, and stared at his receding back.

Wishing that he could somehow just run up to his target, the more rational and survivalist part of him kept a more cooler head. He made sure to keep on repeating 'slow and steady wins that race,' like it was a mantra.

It was one of Lily's favorite muggle quotes to James, him, and even Lupin at times when she wanted them to slow down and think through things when they come up with some of their more foolhardy and crazy plans.

Just thinking about it got a smile on his face, and his rattled nerves and beating heart started to slow down. Now that he was three quarters of the way there and could make out his quarry much clearer, there was a bit of spring in his steps.

However, suddenly he heard a bark coming from behind him and could feel the hot breath of something very big beating against his back and neck.

Slowly, ever so slowly Sirius turned around until he was face to face with three giant heads that stared at him with slightly tilted heads.

"FUCK," the wizard wore as he spun on his feet and started to run like hell.

The giant three-headed dog did not seem to want to lose track of him, so it gave chase while each of its steps sent mini earthquakes along the ground almost making Sirius fall onto the ground in a heap.

Sirius did not even dare to look back as all the yapping and barking was a good enough indication that the creature was still on his tail. From all around, he could see that the other Cerberus were walking up from their naps thanks to all the noises he good friend was making.

Sirius knew that he was in a real pickle, and as if that thought made the universe want to prove him even more wrong the Cerberus chasing him tried to lap him up. If he was thinking it through straight then the thing tried to just lick him, but he knew that couldn't be right.

Whatever the creature was trying, he did not want to find out, now it was time to transform and try to get out of here. He would have to find some other way to get these winged serpent's men out of his property.

Leaping underneath a paw that tried to squish him in his opinion, Sirius suddenly went from a man to a great black hound.

The giant three-headed dog looked around in confusion as a low whine echoed from all three of its throats. Pausing, Sirius gave the Cerberus a second look while in his dog form, somehow it kind of looked familiar.

Shaking his in his dog form which was more of a waggle, Sirius banished the thought, there was no way this murdering creature was familiar, he had to be losing his marbles. What he needed to do was get out of here before any of them could sniff him out, Cerberus had a very good scene of smell and their nose could catch just about anything- even a wizard pretending to be a regular dog.

Without any notice, a loud yawn echoed in the chamber sending waves of bellowing air through all the tunnels and caverns. Even some of the lava flowing down the walls and in the chamber started to warm up.

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