Chapter 144: Throw Down Pt.2

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"It isn't like what Nott has been saying isn't true," Draco butting in coming to the front before everyone. "She has been spreading herself for Potter, a half blood for goodness sake. How can she blame except herse-..."

Before the blonde haired ass could finish what he was saying, a telepathic blast sent him off his feet and up into the air. He crashed up against the fire place wall, hitting the wall with a loud thump, and coming crashing down to the floor bonelessly. He was out like a light, before he even hit the ground, and Pansy started to shrilly scream at the top of her lungs.

Then a large stream of fire came jetting towards Snape, who didn't even have time to take out his wand. All he could do was wave his cloak before himself, blocking the attack.

Then as soon as flames disappeared, Harry came rushing through the empty gap with his wand in hand and murder in his eyes.

He was pretty much done listening to them badmouth his betrothal right before his face, and beseeching her honor. Now was simply the time for action, consequence be damned.

Harry didn't even give Snape any breathing room, now will he. Things could turn quickly nasty if he allowed the Master wizard free reign, and to be honest, Harry wasn't sure how the outcome of the fight would turn out.

As much as he hated the greasy bat's guts, there was no denying he was a powerful wizard that could go toe to toe with the likes of the best of the best including his collages such as Professor Filius Flitwick, Professor Minerva McGonagall, and Sirius.

Although Harry had a butt load of magic and had been put through some grueling training, the fight still could turn out either way.

So, Harry quickly pressed his advantage while Snape was quickly trying to remove his burning cloak.

Magic duels were like that, they could either be prolonged affairs where each party tosses around their most powerful spells and destroying the surrounding area in the process. Or it could be a very quick affair where only a few spells are required as each individual is acting instinctively and using only what comes to mind at the moment. There is no time for finesse or something with a little of that requires extra time thanks to gathering up the required magical power.

Bolt after bolt of powerful electricity shot out of his wand, aimed right for the greasy bat. This time the petty man was able to put up a defense as his shield took on the brunt of the attack, however since it was made in such haste, it wasn't powerful enough to take on all the damage. Soon Snape's shield shattered under his unsought and the hooked nose man got jolted as his body racked with pain and was held in seize.

The students all around the common room went wild as they started screaming and running around like headless chickens. It was indeed a sight you wouldn't expect from the cool and collected Slytherin students.

Before, Harry could tear the pathetic man a new one, a long piece of glowing rope wrapped around him and immobilizing him on the spot.

"That is enough," Septima shouted while she had her wand pointed at him with the magical rope coming for the other end.

Harry tried to break free as he shook himself about, but quickly reeled him in as she tugged on the rope causing it to constrict tighter around him.

Getting up from the ground he fell face forward into, Snape looked at Harry with blood shot eyes filled with murder. His greased back hair was now a static frizzy mess thanks to being electrocuted by the young wizard.

"Snape stand down," Septima called out as she too saw that look in the man's eyes.

However, the greasy bat was too far gone as he was literally frothing from the mouth thanks to how angry he was. With a loud shriek of anger, he sent a bolt of dark green magic right at Harry.

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