Chapter 14: Shopping

Start from the beginning

Putting his face into his hands, Sirius groaned out loud, then turned back to face his godson. "I have never thought you anything like that, and if I did, I apologize if I gave you the image of that. You need to know pup, that you stand in a very precarious situation. You just can't be making enemies left or right."

"But isn't Lucius already an enemy of ours?" Harry shouted, trying to defend his position and change Sirius's opinion of him.

"Yes and No."

"What do you mean yes and no. He is a death ea-..."

"Shh, even if I have some wards placed around us, you shouldn't be shouting that name. Anyways, what I mean to say is that good old Lucius over there doesn't yet know he is our enemy since unlike us he thinks the Dark Lord is long dead, so we can us that to our advantage."

"Why would we ever work with our enemies," Harry asked in a barely level tone. He just couldn't believe that Sirius, the man who he thought was uncorruptible, would ever recommend something like that.

Sighing out loud, Sirius stated, "Remind me next time, your politics needs a lot of work. I am not saying we bring him to our side or even turn to his side. No, all I a saying is we can use him to our advantage. Do you understand that, pup."

Taking a moment to think it over, and realizing he was overreacting for no reason at all. Harry slowly nodded his head, and said, "What you are saying is we can get him onboard for key matters, we would like to see pass."

"YES!" Sirius shouted, glade that his godson was opening his eyes.

"But what sort of matter?" Harry asked.

"Well of course, Dumbledore, duh."


"Lord Malfoy, Lady Malfoy" Harry called out as the pair of two wizards were heading out once they finished their meals.

"Yes," the older Malfoy wizard responded as he looked up from his meal and the light chat he was having with his wife.

"I have come to realize the error of my ways when my uncle pointed out that I was being insolent towards you while you have only been the proper gentlemen."

"Ooh," the wizard simply said as he clearly was never expecting that in his life. He quickly took a glance from the corner of his eye where Sirius stood a few paces away and where the Animagus nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Taking advantage of the man's moment of unbalance Harry continued, "You see I thought that House Malfoy took up a feud with House Potter when your son showed me animosity and malice."

"Is that true, Draco," Mrs. Malfoy asked her son who looked like a fish plucked out of freshwater.

"Yes," Harry continued, enjoying Draco nervousness and unease. "Your son has on multiple locations called me a Half-blood to my face and behind my back. He has also insulted my companions numerous times, showed me complete lack of respect when he demanded a duel and never came. Plus I must add, he has shown my family's closest alley House Longbottom's heir Neville distant and loathing, plus even calling him a squib at times."

Turning to give his son a single long glare who squirmed under his father's hard glower, Malfoy senior spun around and faced the young Potter heir. "You have my deepest apologies, Lord Potter, we had no idea our son was carrying out these acts. It is clear that we have let our son's behavior get out of hand."

"There is no need for apologies, Lord Malfoy," Harry said as he played to the man's ego, "Your son's act as his alone and nobody else."

"Yes," the man said as he nodded his head, seeming to argue wholeheartedly.

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