Swag vs Street Punk

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"I feel ya, man. Their brother Donnie keeps on wanting to hang out with me. Seriously, what's their problem?" M.C grumbled out in annoyance, glaring at any students who were standing in their way.

"I don't know, but in the meantime, lets just lay low and figure something out to get rid of them." Swift ordered, the others going quiet and then parting ways to go to class, hoping not to spend the next hour and a half with any of the Swag people.

*Time Skip to the end of the day*

Elijah just got out of detention and was already walking out of the school building. She just got off the phone telling her brothers that she was on her way now to their cars, but something caught her eye and forget her plans to head home. There, only a few feet from her, was Azazel Grey standing by a few cars, texting something on his phone. Elijah still had some beef with him, and she thought now was the perfect time to do it, and no people were around, which was a score for her, too. The Punk then made her way over to him, being as quiet as possible so he wouldn't suspect her presence.

Elijah noticed how he moved his back towards her, making her smirk as an idea popped up into her head. She kept walking the few feet apart when, finally, she was right behind Azazel. She was silent, but when she realized that he wasn't going to notice her anytime soon, she tapped his shoulder.

The singer perked up at the sudden touch and turned around, immediately coming face to face with Elijah. He smiled, "Oh hey, Eli." Azazel said cheerfully while putting away his phone.

"It's Elijah, bastard." She growled.

He put his hands up in a playful surrender, "Woah, easy, Killer. Why are you so angry?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because some annoying douchebag just got me a one way ticket to detention!?!?" Elijah had yelled out the last part, her hands fisting into balls of anger and her eyes fixating into a glare.

"Oh yeah, uh....sorry about that. I just wanted to talk." Azazel said nervously, rubbing his neck. "I just didn't know how else to get your attention, I mean, you do ignore me in the halls and such."

"Maybe because I DON'T want to talk you! Has that ever crossed your mind!?"

"I thought you were just shy."

Elijah took a moment to stare at him like he lost his mind, or in this case, his brain. She couldn't believe on how stupid he was. Was this the reason why he and his friends kept on bugging them? Because they thought they were shy!? They've been here a week and couldn't even notice that Elijah and her group were a gang!?

"You....are the most stupidest pimp I have ever fucking met." Elijah said bluntly. She then shook her head, "That's besides the point, you got me in trouble, so now, you're gonna learn a lesson." She said with a dark smirk, cracking her knuckles.

"What lesson?" Azazel said, as if he doesn't even realize on what's going on, which he probably doesn't.

"Not to mess with a gang member." And with that, she socked him in the face, just enough to leave a mark and a little blood to ooze out of the corner of his mouth, but not enough to throw him to the ground. Azazel was a pretty average sized guy, but Elijah could fight all of her brothers at once if she wanted to, so Azazel wasn't that much of a challenge.

The male was in shock from the sudden attack, and turned to look at her, speechless. "W-What the hell is your problem?!"

"You're my problem, along with the rest of your idiotic, annoying friends. You've all been a bother since day one of your arrival and I have had it! The same goes for my brothers! And if you don't want any more trouble, I suggest you five leave us the fuck alone!" Elijah had yelled out so loud that her voice echoed, but she didn't care, and continued to repeatedly punch and kick Azazel in any exposed area of his upper-body.

Elijah kept going when all of a sudden, footsteps were heard running towards the two, but Elijah was so busy punching Azazel, she didn't realize her brothers behind her and Swag behind Azazel, pulling each other away by force. Swag was asking Azazel on what was going on while the Punks were trying to restrain their angry sister.

"What's going on here, Elijah?!" Swift shouted at her, holding onto her waist.

"This fuck up got me into detention! I'm teaching him a lesson so let go!!"

"No, you need to calm down! You've proved your point so stop!" Swift yelled out, and eventually things have calmed down a bit, but Elijah was still angry and glaring at the beaten and bruised Azazel.

"I can't believe you're sticking up for him! After all he and his friends have been doing! Ya serious?!" She snapped, pushing away her brother to look at him like he lost his mind.

"Yeah but we don't use violence to solve our problems!"

"I'm sorry, but can I interrupt!? You beat him up because he got you in detention?" Leo had said to the Punk in confusion.

"What the fuck did I just say?" Elijah snapped at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay! I think we all need just a little breather here, yeah?" Azazel had butted in. "Elijah, I am very sorry for getting you into detention today, but it was only because I just wanted to talk to you is all." The Swag singer had said to here earnestly with a sweet smile, but Elijah couldn't give two shits.

"Maybe because we don't want to have anything to do with you Swag bastards!!" Elijah had yelled out in the middle of her sentence, rage obvious on her face. "Ever since you fucking got here, you make it as if you own the place. Well here's a news-flash for ya! It's not! We were here first! So that means that it's our territory! Not yours! Got it!? Not to mention you've been a nuisance to all five of us! Just piss off already!!" And with that, she stormed off to her motorcycle, hopping on and then zooming off, leaving everyone quiet.

"It's true though. You Swag people can't just come in here and think that everyone will bow down to your will and every command you make. And if you don't want any trouble, I suppose you five should back off." Swift had said soon after Elijah left, taking a step forward to show his dominance, but Raph did the same with a triumphant smirk.

"Or what, Sweetheart?" The red clad purred while moving closer to Swift, close enough to be just a few centimeters away from his lips. He then raised Swift's face up to look at him by using his hand to catch his chin. "You gonna hurt us?"

Swift immediately blushed from the short space between them, but also because of the fact that there were other people watching them, too. And as well as a hot guy touching him.

"I-I...uh..w-well..ummm...." Swift was always a confident flirt, but in this situation, he was at a loss. But suddenly, the back of his leather jacket was yanked and he was pulled into Rebel's chest.

"We'll be leaving now, thanks. And we mean what we say. Ya mess with the bull, you get the horns. Remember that." Rebel had said and turned around with Swift's jacket still in hand, but then pushed his brother to walk on his own until all five gangsters got to there vehicles and drove off.

It was quiet among the Swag group, Raph grinning to himself by making his crush flushed in embarrassment. The others were just a little shocked, but soon snapped out of their phases when they heard Mikey speak.

"They gonna be a problem?"

"Nah, a bit of a challenge, but pretty soon they'll be feeling what we're feeling." Leo had responded, smirking mischievously to his perverted thoughts.

"Sounds like a plan, but I got dibs on the girl." Azazel said in a possessive tone.

"Easy, Tiger. I'm going for the blue one." Raph had said, the rest then said that they are going for whoever else was in the gang of teens.

One shots with Elijah and Street Punks Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora