Emo Rocker Guy and Preppy Girl (Arranged Marriage) [Chapter16]

Start from the beginning

"You ready, Disarray?" said mom.

"We'll be downstairs in a couple," I said. She didn't reply, but I heard the door close.

Conner came and helped me off the bed. I blushed when I felt his arms tighten around me.

"You're crazy if you think I think you're ugly," Conner whispered huskily under my ear. I blushed and felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. He put a sweater on me and one long sock and shoe.

When we got downstairs and my mom and dad were there with a wheelchair. We quietly went to the limo and Conner helped me in. He sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. He says I'm not ugly. Why wouldn't he look at me. He's not even talking much.. I love hearing his voice.

We got to the station and Conner helped me out and put me on the wheel chair. I started to feel nervous again. What if I see that guy that tried to rape me? Oh God.... Please do not let that happen.

I put Conner rub my shoulder with one hand, I started to feel okay.

My parents went to talk to someone then a big police man came out. I gulped.

"Ms. Anderson, please come follow me," he said in a deep voice.

"Can Conner come?" I asked.

"Only family members," he said looking up at Conner.

"He's my fiancé," I said. He looked surprised and looked over to my parents. They nodded and he looked back at me.

"He's going to have to stay outside while we ask you questions, follow me," he said. Conner started to push my wheel chair. I was getting nervous again.

"Just tell them what happened, Disarray. Then we could go back to Florida.. Don't get nervous. No one's going to hurt you," Conner said.

"Okay," I whispered. The policeman stopped in front of a door and opened it to come on. Conner rolled me in and in front of the table. He kissed my cheek and looked at me. His eyes were telling me to relax and tell them everything. I nodded and he left. I already want him to come back.

I noticed it wasn't the policeman waiting there. This man was in a suit.

"Ms. Anderson, I'm Robert, now, would you like to tell me what happened from the start?" he asked. I gulped.

"I-I want to go to Time Square, before I went back to Florida. I had to walk by a really bad place because it was faster... When I was about half way.. A-A man.. pulled me back and immediately starting touching me... started calling me beautiful... sexy....," I said and wiped the tears away.

"Then.. He told me it was going to be.. amazing when he was going to.. to rape... me. I-I pulled away with all the strength I had, but when he couldn't reach me.. he tackled me to the floor and that how my leg got hurt... I started screaming and he started hitting me.."


"Then... I bit him hard on the hand... and he started hitting me harder and calling me names.... That's when everything went blurry, then I cried in pain and I-I blacked out, the last thing I felt was someone carry me away...," I whispered and wiped my tears again.

"Is there anything more you need to say?" the man said.

"He theatened me with a knife if I wouldn't be quiet...," I whispered and pointed to the cute under my chin. He looked at for a couple of seconds.

"That's all then, you can leave," he said and opened the door. I rolled myself out even though my rest hurt. Conner looked and immediately went behind me.

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