What Did We Do Last Night?!

Start from the beginning

"Lunch!" I groaned quietly so he wouldn't hear me. I really didn't want to be around anyone right now, but I'm hungry and the guys would find it suspicious that I denied lunch, which isn't usual.

"Alright!" And with that, I grew a pair and went downstairs.

Once I had entered the kitchen and sat down on a chair, Rebel had placed a bowl of Raman in front of me, same with the others and himself once everything was all set. Rebel and M.C were talking, same with Swift and Ghost, but I was quietly eating, trying to hurry up and go back upstairs.

"E..Eli...Elijah!" I was snapped out of my thoughts and jolted a little in my seat when Swift all of a sudden called out my name, making me look up at his face, which was full of curiosity, and the others who stared at me in confusion.


"Why are you so quiet?"

I bet they could see my face going a bit red, "N-Nothing..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Really? You're never usually this quiet." He said in concern.

"Well you guys are talking so I didn't wanna be rude." I smiled nervously, avoiding their heated gazes. I knew that they knew I was lying, but it was worth a shot. I wanna be honest with them but I'm just so embarrassed, I mean, how would you feel if you all of a sudden said, 'Hey guys, I just had sex with my best friend. Surprise!' Yeah no.

I just don't want them to judge me, and I also know of how protective they are of me, so I'm just hoping that I won't be visiting Azazel's grave tomorrow.

"Elijah." I heard Swift say sternly. I looked up to meet his suspicious and serious face staring at me, same with the others. I sighed and looked down at my lap, my fingers interlocking and palms sweating.

Here goes nothing.

"Promise you guys won't be mad." I say in a soft voice.

"Depends." Swift answered for all of them.

I shut my closed and took a breath, "I...I accidentally had sex with Azazel." I said in a hushed whisper.

The room was dead silent when those words came out of my mouth. I still had my eyes closed but I could feel the boys' widened eyes staring at me in disbelief and shock.

After what felt like forever, I had then heard four chairs being scraped against the tile floor and my brothers' feet stomping towards the exit. I snapped my head to look at them nervously and shot up from my seat, running as fast as I can to only stand in front of them with my arms open wide like I was gonna give them a hug.

"Move it, Elijah." Rebel growled.

I glared at him, "Not until you guys calm down."

"Move or we'll make you." M.C said this time.

"You're going to Azazel's aren't you?"

"That bastard's gonna pay."

"That bastard didn't do anything, it was both our fault. We were drunk last night coming home from April and Casey's house and things happened! I swear we used a condom, maybe three." I swear I saw their eyes twitch when I said that. Way to go Elijah.

"That's it! He's gonna get it now!" Swift growled in anger, but I pushed him on his chest hard enough that he would only stumble a little.

"No one's gonna get it! Like I said, it was an accident and we were drunk. We weren't thinking straight and it was stupid I know, we should've been more responsible. But it was one time and it won't happen again, I promise. And plus, we're only friends, we don't feel that way towards each other. So please calm your asses." I meant every word I said and I just hope that the others understood. Well, if they can get it through their thick skulls.

The guys were silent once again, staring at me and looking like as if they were thinking. Swift then walked up to me, placing his hand on my shoulder, "You promise you used a condom?"


He looked me in the eyes to see if I was lying, but nothing. He then sighed in relief and rubbed his face with his hand, "Don't scare us like that again."

I smiled, "Sure."

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