Don't Jump To Conclusions

Start from the beginning

"Hey now, no need to be all mad. We didn't know that you were a chick. It was that hood you're wearing." The turtle said in a seductive voice. The girl then grabbed his wrist and swooped under his arm, stepping away from him.

"Whatever." The girl said in a bored tone, looking back at her schedule again, but it was then snatched out of her hands by the turtle who had the N.Y.C. baseball cap and jumped in front of her, walking backwards and looking at the piece of paper.

"Wow, all of your classes are with some of us. Cool dudette." He smirked, but she stopped in her tracks and glared at him.

"Oh, now I'm a girl? I think I pretty much made that clear earlier you fucking dumbass." Elijah growled once again.

"Whoa, easy there, we don't want any trouble." The mutant in front of her said, raising his hands up in surrender.

"Really? Well then if you're smart enough then you'll leave me alone." She said in annoyance, snatching her paper from his three-fingered hand and walked around him, but it didn't take them long to catch up again.

"We were only playing with you, no need to get all mad." The guy with the leather jacket said casually with a smirk. Elijah stopped in her tracks again and turned around fully to face the 13 ass hats.

"I'm mad because you douche bags keep bothering me." She snapped.

"Well maybe if you introduce yourself to us then maybe we can help you find your classes." The turtle with the jacket said.

She only looked at them with a bored expression, "It's Elijah."

"Elijah. Nice name you got there, sweetheart." He said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that." She growled.

"Well anyways, I'm Swift, and these are my brothers. Rebel, M.C and Ghost. We're the Street Punks." He gestured to M.C, the guy who took her schedule, Rebel with one a gold eye and one neon green eye and wearing a red, white, and black bandanna on his head. And Ghost was the tall one out of the four wearing a black beanie and tattoos on his arms.

"I'm Caesar." One lizard said, who was wearing white, orange, and black. "And this is my best friend Anthony." He gestured to a lizard standing next to him who had blue hair and friendly smile.

"I'm Slash and this is Kita and Rex." Slash said, he had some spikes on his head and more muscular than almost everyone else in the group. Rex was the wolf mutant and Kita was a gray lizard mutant with a robotic arm. They both waved at the girl. Finally, the guy who she bumped into spoke up.

"I'm Raph, and these are my brothers. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie." He pointed at three other boys who looked like hip hop rappers. "We're called Swag." He explained.

"Okay. Now that that's done, can I please leave now?" Elijah asked.

"Wants some help? I saw that you have science class. We're in that class, too. Let us help you." M.C said.

"Only if you don't annoy me." Elijah said turning around and walking down the hall, the boys right at her sides.

"Aw, but it's fun to tease you." Swift said, pouting.

"Fine then, don't help me. I can find my way on my own." Elijah growled in irritation, pulling her hood up.

"Why have your hood up? You don't want to show off that pretty face of yours?" Swift purred in a flirty way.


"Why not?"

"Because I don't like to show my face okay?!" She said in complete annoyance.

"Why are you so mad?" This time, Kita spoke up.

"Because I'm surrounded by idiots who won't leave me alone. God, what the fuck do you want from me?!" She snapped at the group, turning around to glare at them.

"We didn't mean to piss you off. Just take it easy." Raph said.

"Why are you even around me?" Elijah asked.

"Well you are new here. We want to show you around, maybe even get to know you." He explained.

Elijah only laughed dryly, "Trust me, if you knew of what kind of person I am and my past, you wouldn't want me around." She said, looking down.

"Why?" M.C asked this time.

Elijah then shook her head, "Listen, uh.. thanks for the help, but I think that I got it under control. See you around I guess." She said while not making eye contact. The human turned around and walked down the hallway of the school, the group of boys stared after her in confusion and slight interest.

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