Notice Me Senpai!

Start from the beginning

"Uh... I-I... just d-didn't think of it at first. I don't really have a problem with you being the way you are." She admitted, taking Elijah by surprise. "We've talked before, but we only had small talk and we were always separated by our friends, so... I took this opportunity to finally get to know you without any interruptions." She smiled, letting out a little giggle.

Elijah smiled, too, "Yeah." They just stood there, staring at each other and enjoying the comfortable silence around them. But it was soon ruined by a group of three boys laughing and walking down the hallway. Elijah looked at them out of the corner of her eye and immediately frowned. It was the douche bags of the school, Cole, Adam, and Nick.

The three were also the bullies of the school and constantly causing trouble and fights for the Punks and others. Cole is the main leader of the group and bully, Adam is the flirt and loves to get in girls' pants 24/7, and Nick was just a complete asshole and jerk. Together they caused so much chaos. The Punks have tried to keep them in line, but they don't like to listen to anyone and keep on going, no matter how many times Elijah and her friends threaten and beat them. They don't care.

Cole had spotted the two girls, "Well, well, if it isn't Elijah Black and her little friend." He smirked and walked over to them.

"Kate, get behind me, now." Elijah said and glared at the three boys, pushing Kate behind her. "What do you want, Cole?" She hissed out.

"I only wanted to chat, no need to get all pissy. And what are you doing hogging the girl there? Why not share?" Cole asked in a dark voice and grabbed Kate by the wrist, trying to pull her out from behind Elijah. But when the Punk saw his movement, her eyes widened, immediately grabbing his arm and digging her nails into his skin, making him loosen his grip on the poor girl and wince in pain. Elijah then let go and punched him in the face. Adam and Nick both glared and started to charge at Elijah, but she pushed Kate to the side and ducked down to the floor, sliding forward and for the two boys to crash into the metal lockers; face first.

Elijah stood up and glared down at Cole, then grabbed and pulled Kate to her side, wrapping her arm around her waist possessively. "The next time you decide to touch my girlfriend, I will send you to the hospital, understand?" She growled out. Cole nodded his head immediately, got up and bolted down the hallway, the other two following once they gotten their balance.

Elijah then faced the other girl still wrapped in her arm and froze, seeing Kate stare at her with a full body blush. "Uh.. Kate, you okay there?" Elijah asked in concern.

"D-Did you just say, 'girlfriend'?" She asked in a whisper, but Elijah still heard and immediately blushed, too.

"Uh- oh- um- I... Uh- w-well, yeah but, I just... I-I mean-" Elijah was a stuttering mess and rubbed the back of her neck in nervousness. Kate then smiled and placed her finger on the Punk's lips to quiet her.

"Elijah Black, are you trying to tell me that you like me in that way?" She smirked with a mischievous glint in her eyes, making Elijah blush 50 shades redder. She then gave up and sighed, gently grabbing Kate's hand that was silencing her and held it. She looked straight into Kate's eyes with seriousness and love.

"Yes, I am." She confirmed.

Kate blushed and her eyes widened, "I-I feel t-the same way, too." She smiled shyly and pecked Elijah's lips, but then immediately pulled back. "Um...I'm sorry, I-I didn't-" She was cut off by Elijah catching her lips in a firm kiss, full of passion and love. It was like they were both telling each other's feeling for one another in the kiss.

"Whoo! You go, Eli!" A voice interrupted them, making the two girls freeze and break their kiss, looking to their right to see all of Elijah's and Kate's friends standing there at the end of the hallway.

"M.C? Y-You guys were there the whole time!?" Elijah yelled and Kate turned her head in the opposite direction to hide her blush.

"Not the whole time, we just got here a few minutes ago. We were trying to find you guys to see if we could hang out, but then we saw this, we didn't want to interrupt you two love birds." Swift explained with a smirk.

Elijah's eye twitched and faced the four Punis with an angry smile. "Boys..." She said calmly, then glared. "Run." Then she bolted towards them. The boys all paled, knowing that Elijah can beat their asses if she wanted to, and ran for their lives down the hall.

The others walked up to Kate, some of them smiling and laughing. April wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulder, "I still can't believe you went for Elijah. You've got quite the girlfriend there." She giggled.

Kate then looked forward and saw Elijah shaking Swift violently by his shirt and yelling at him, while the others were passed out on the floor. Kate smiled.

"Yeah... I guess I do."

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