Vitamin 'D' Deficiency-Louis

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Hey, guys!  I know it's been forever since I updated this book.  I hope you enjoy this one.   Thank you RRaNa for this cute request.  Enjoy!

Words: 1,681

The boys were undergoing a medical exam with their doctor that morning, like they did every year. It was something management made them do as a way of making sure they remained healthy while they were in their care. It was nothing more than a regular checkup and blood test.

All of the boys had finished up with their exams, except for Louis. Louis waited patiently on the exam table, swinging his legs back and forth as they dangled. His eyes darted to the door when it started to open, and in popped the doctor.

"Okay, Louis," the doctor said, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose while keeping his eyes fixed to the paper in his hands. "Everything looks good except for one thing," he said, which made Louis's ears perk up and his heart pumped harder. "Your vitamin D levels are a bit lower than normal. Do you not go out in the sun very often?"

Come to think of it, he hardly went outside unless it was to get from point A to point B, and even that usually meant riding in a car. "No, I guess not," Louis confessed. "Is that bad?"

The doctor cleared his throat. "Well, the lower your levels, the more prone you are to fractures and aching in the bones. Your levels aren't too low to cause these things yet, but it's important you get more of the vitamin."

Louis nodded in understanding. "So more sun time then?"

"Yes, and consider taking some vitamin D pills as well." The doctor opened the door to show him out. Louis joined the rest of the boys in the other room where they'd been waiting on him.

"Things go okay?" Harry asked him as they left the place to go back to the hotel. Louis explained to him about his vitamin deficiency.

"Oh, well we can get you some vitamins today and maybe go tanning or something?" Harry suggested.


That afternoon, Harry asked Bob from management to buy the vitamins and then he and Louis went outside in their swim trunks to tan in the sun in front of the hotel's outdoor pool. Harry got out the sunscreen and offered to help put it on Louis, but he objected.

"No," Louis said. "Vitamin D doesn't get absorbed if you wear sunscreen. That's what they told me."

"Really? Okay then. I'll just put some on me then," Harry said, taking the cap off.

Louis shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I'll put it on for you." He took the bottle from Harry and squirted the white stuff onto his hands and rubbed the lotion all over Harry's back and arms while Harry got his chest and stomach.

Louis relaxed in his chair while Harry went off into the pool for a swim. He watched Harry swim several laps in the pool before lazily floating around. Louis smiled as Harry enviously watched a mother dip her six-month-old baby in the pool with her as she got in.

He knew how much Harry loved babies and he was always telling Louis he wished he could have them. I wish mpregs were real, he'd told Louis a million times and I know I'd make a great mother he'd told Louis. Louis always smiled lovingly and assured him that he would make a great mum and that they'd adopt for sure one day.

A while later, Louis flipped over on his stomach, exposing his back to the sun. The good thing about having to do this to get the vitamin was that he would also get a nice tan. He was looking rather pale these days.

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