Slipping in the Rain

592 22 0

Date: 3-18-24 

Words: 1,545

"I love stormy weather like this," I say, taking Harry's hand in mine. "Don't you, Hazza?"

Harry's attention diverts from me to the gray clouds surrounding us. The wind picks up, whipping our hair in our faces. What was once a clammy summer evening has turned into the makings of a thunderstorm.

"You know I do," Harry answers, looking back at me with a smile. "But a bad time for a walk."

I say nothing, even though he's right. But I didn't know about the changing weather. Neither of us checked the weather before we left the house. We're only about a mile from home, so I'm not too worried. "Guess we should head back."

As we turn around it starts to sprinkle, and then it comes down pretty hard. "Oi, oi!" I call into the night. Darkness falls on us as more sinister clouds move in.

"We are so not prepared for this," Harry says. Rain rolls from his hair onto his cheeks. I expected him to be upset with me since it was my idea to take a walk, but when I look up at him, he's grinning from ear to ear. He's enjoying this. "We're getting soaked!"

"Wanna make a run for it?" I suggest. With anyone else, I'd be annoyed at the turn of events, but not when I'm with Harry, who also shares my love of turning disasters into exciting rendezvous. I return his smile while he adjusts his grip on my slippery hand.

Harry tugs on my arm and we're off, running into the night, the deserted roads lit up by street lights.



Thunder booms into the night, threatening to strike us down. But we are determined to make it home in one piece. My legs are tired, but I keep running, keeping pace with Harry's long strides. Water soaks the inside of my shoes and I'm freezing cold.

I'm tired, so I let Harry know it. He slows down and we come to a stop. The rain, however, continues beating down on us, soaking through our t-shirts. Harry's wearing a thin white shirt, so his sculpted muscles show through. We're breathing heavily, gasping for breath, but Harry doesn't miss my stares.

He looks down on himself and gives me a knowing look. "Like what you see?"

I practically have to scream over the rain to be heard. "Very much."

With a chuckle, Harry leans over and rests his hands on his knees. I'm worried he might be having an asthma attack, but he quickly stands and his breath slows. "You alright?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." Harry puts an arm around my waist. "I'm fine. You good?"

Harry takes another deep breath and nods. "Ready?"

This time, I pull him forward and we begin running again. As we dart through the rain, water pelts my face again, and I squint. As much fun as this is, I can't wait to get home. I just want a hot shower and to dry off.

Without any warning, my foot slips. I lose traction, and I'm thrown violently backward. My back hits the road with a painful thud. Harry follows right after me, landing hard on my torso. We lay like this for some time before either of us moves. I think I hear Harry groan at the same time a loud crack of thunder shakes the earth.

Harry moves first, his head lifting from my stomach. "Mm. Are you okay?"

I move my limbs and reply, "Yeah, I think so. You?"

"You kinda broke my fall. Are you sure you're okay?" Harry asked again. "'Cause that really hurt."

I nod. "Let's just get home. Help me up," I say, sticking out a hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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