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You see yourself as a monster

Secrets by One Republic

When you were a child people had told you how you were a freak. They were scared, scared of what you were capable of.

You weren't normal, you weren't from a fairytale, you were a freak from your hometown.

The only one there was.

You didn't have parents, you were an orphan, a scared orphan who just wanted to protect themselves from the outside world.

You had foster families of course, but once they realized your ability, they dropped you like a dead weight.

You were able to use electricity to your advantage, you could control any electronic.

So being in a place with no electricity was perfect. It was so easy to hide, so easy to deny the idea of you having powers because you wouldn't get nervous and spark anything. It was easier to let go of emotions, you didn't have to control anything.

That is until a boy pissed you off.

Now, it's not unusual for the boys to piss you off, but when one keeps talking about you in a sexual way, that makes you lose your shit.

You were walking on patrol when you heard the boys talking, you'd usually just let them be, but you heard your name.

"I'd bang Y/N so hard she'd forget her own name," you heard a boy say devilishly.

You cringed, debating whether or not to yell at them or leave.

"Maybe I could slip her a poppy and then I'd have time too." Oh fuck no, you charged though the bushes.

"Excuse you? You fucking piece of shit you're lucky if you get out of here alive," you hissed out.

He got up with a smirk, "I know you want it baby."

You clenched your fists and glared, all of a sudden thunder boomed in the blue sky.

You all of a sudden saw purple in your vision, it was like a purple filter of your eyes, you could still see perfectly clear.

Lightning came down and zapped him right in the ass and of course once that happened Pan jumped through the bushes

"What the...?" He stopped when he saw your eyes, "Y/N, your eyes."

You shut your eyes for a few seconds and then opened again, everyone was staring at you. You felt electricity running through out your veins, you looked around panicked.

Peter saw how scared you were and flashed you guys to a part of the forest where no one would find you two.

He started coming near you and you flinched, he immediately stopped, hurt flashing across his face, "Y/N I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm not scared of you," was all you said. Tears burned your vision, and realization dawned on his face.

"There's no reason to be scared of yourself," he took a step closer.

"I'm not scared of myself, I'm not guilty of using my abilities, hell I actually like using them but I hate the fear they cause." You shook even more, you hugged yourself.

"We're not afraid of you." He shook his head and tried to come closer, like a hunter would to a deer

"You saw the way the boys looked at me, I almost grilled that boy."

"And he deserved it, I almost ripped his spine out for the things he was saying." He slowly took more steps trying not to scare you.

You shook your head, "Pan, I don't want to kill anyone."

"With control you won't unless you want to, I can help you with your magic so your emotions don't revolve around it, so you can control it." He walked closer to the point where he was right in front of you.

"Pan, it's not magic, it's something in my blood. I was born with this ability, I didn't have magic in my world."

"Y/N, I can still help, I may not understand if but I don't mind learning anything. Especially if it helps you." He set his hands on your shoulders, you relaxed so you didn't accidentally cook him.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, especially you."

He quirked his eyebrow and smiled, "got something to tell me love?"

You rolled your eyes, "you may be an ass but I don't want you dead, yet."

He smiled, "can you show me what you can do?"

You nodded and gripped under his forearms, "you have to grip my forearms too, Pan."

He smirked but didn't say anything, he held the top of your forearms and transferred it into him. You smiled, "feel the buzz?"

"Yeah, now what?"

"First of all your hair is really staticky." You giggled and he smiled.

"And now, don't use your powers okay?"

He nodded and you lifted him up, he laughed and said, "how?"

"The static in the air, it helps." You lowered him down and he looked insane.

His hair was sticking up and his face looked like a mix of relaxed and shocked.

"So why didn't you use these amazing powers when you first got here?"

"Because I was glad to be away from electricity, I wouldn't bug out. But apparently weather is also affected by my emotions, I didn't know until I fried that boys ass." You smiled and shook your head.

"The boys will be scared of me."

"No they won't, as long as your emotions are in check, I'll help you."


"I'll scare he boys off before they have the chance to make you upset." He shrugged like it was no big deal, which it probably wasn't to him.

"Thank you Pan," he cringed.


"Don't call me Pan, just call me Peter, I feel as if we'll become friends Y/N." he offered a smile and you couldn't help but smile back.

It was relieving that he knew about you and wasn't afraid and hopefully over time, neither will the boys.

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