Dark Days

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Okay so dark days roughly translates to days where you have depression relapses. I experience these quite often i'm experiencing one right now (you guys know how open i am about my mental health) and don't worry i'm perfectly fine, my friends know about it and they're helping through this don't worry about me 💖 anyway in this one shot Peter does know about then and tries to help out as best as he can.

-On your dark days you experience higher anxiety and more panic attacks so Peter relieves you of all tasks for the next couple of weeks or however long you need so you can get better.

-He tends to let you be to yourself considering you are very introverted so you let him know where you're going so he doesn't worry.

-You usually retreat to an oasis that you discovered shortly after you came to Neverland where you draw, write, read or do whatever by yourself.

-If you stay with Peter for a day, he takes the entire day off and spends it with you. He managed to get you out of bed and for a walk or to socialize so you don't completely isolate yourself.

-He makes sure he doesn't over crowd you and doesn't do anything until you tell him what you need. And if you're unresponsive, he leaves you for an hour then comes back to see if you want to talk.

-If you do, he lets you vent. You holds your hand or he holds you while you rant about everything on your mind.

-But the best thing he does is cheers you up, with his humor especially. Or he gives you compliments to make you feel better or laugh. Or cheesy pick up lines.

-He also tends to pamper you, back rubs, leg rubs, he even breaks out aromatherapy oils (don't ask where he got them he refuses to tell you). Then he holds you close as he kisses your forehead (or anywhere on your face) and tells you how much he loves you.

I feel like I suck at fluff, especially when I haven't written it in a while. -_o_- (<- ha my attempt at a shrugging emoji)

also these last few funny/fluffier chapters are to make up for how much you guys might hate me in the next one.  Let's just say, if you haven't seen Infinity War, you are not going to want to read this next one.

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