Birthday Special!

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This birthday sucked for you, it royally sucked.

You were taken from Neverland back to Storybrooke and missed your boys like crazy.

But you missed Peter the most, obviously. He was your husband.

The Storybrooke gang planned an amazing birthday party at Granny's but you ended up leaving early because it didn't feel the same. You missed the boy's decorations, the party banner was always a favorite of yours. The flowers Peter would gave you last year were stunning and you wished he would give them to you again. The Storybrooke residents tried to make you feel like family, Henry was practically your brother, he knew how much you were hurting without your boys.

But no, you didn't even know if all of them even remembered you anymore. YOu wondered if Peter moved onto a new wife. You were his first wife but you didn't know if he had moved on. Which would hurt like no other.

You were reading through the cards you got when you heard a tap on the window.

You turned around and saw Peter himself floating by the window sill.

You heart lurched and your throat closed up as you eagerly ran over to open the window, "Peter!" You yelled cin excitement.

He came in, "shush, you'll wake the whole house, love." He said wrapping you in his arms, "I missed you so much." He murmured, putting his head in the crook of your neck.

"I missed you too," you said with tears burning in your eyes.

His arms tightened in one more squeeze before you pushed you back at arms length, "god, you're so beautiful." He cupped your face and brought you into a kiss.

When you pulled away you asked, "why are you here?"

"Well, I'd be a bad husband if I forgot my wife's birthday, don't you think?"

You tried not to aww at that and be cheesy, instead you smiled lovingly, "I love you Peter Pan."
His smile matched yours, "and I love you Y/N L/N."

"Other than that, why are you here?"
"Well..." he said holding your hands, "I wanted to bring you back on Neverland, without anyone knowing."

"Peter..." You sighed, "I would love to, but me leaving suddenly, it'll cause them to come to Neverland and cause trouble." You said leaning your head on his chest.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice from the doorway. You sprung up and spun to see Henry standing there.

"Henry-" You began.
"I won't tell my Moms, I'll take care of it, just go." He said cutting you off, giving you a little smile.
"Really?" You asked, not even bothering to hide your surprise.

He nodded, "yeah." He then shrugged, "you're happy. Who am I to stop you?" He said, "especially as The Author. I'm supposed to encourage these kinds of things." He walked closer into the room.
You smiled, "you're the best honorary little brother."

"I know." He said pulling you into a hug, "now go. Go live your happy ending." He said urging you to go.

With his blessing the two of you took off.


You arrived on Neverland to find the main base of camp strung with fairy lights. There was a beautiful wooden table in the middle of the camp, surrounding the table of food, were all your boys.

"Y/N!" They all shouted rushing over to pull you into hugs. Freddy was the first to pull you in and then Felix, and then everyone else. You felt yourself get choked up.

"Aw Mom! Don't cry." The youngest shouted wrapping his arms around your torso.

"But there's nothing wrong with showing your emotions, so let it out if you need to." Peter said wrapping his arms around you.

That sentence made you more emotional, "awe, that's the first thing I ever taught you." You said pulling Peter into a hug.

He chuckled and when you pulled away he led you to the table.

It was covered in your favorite flowers, along with foods and cute handmade cards from everyone. You sniffed, "god damnit, I was trying to keep the tears in."

They all laughed, then Freddie asked, "are you staying Y/N?"

"I'll always stay, you boys can't get rid of me that easily." You said smiling.

Peter wrapped his arm around you, "we wouldn't have it any other way." 

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