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Okay this is a one shot where the reader is thicker than the average woman. I would like to say this: this is not supposed to be offensive as I am thicker than the average woman of our generation. As in I do not have a thigh gap.

if you don't have a thigh gap it does not mean you are "fat". Which is a word I hate with a passion. I have been called fat myself and I don't think I'm fat.

Or even thick.

Personally, I think whether or not you have a thigh gap doesn't matter.  It's your heart that makes your mark on the world, not your body.

This one shot is meant to uplift anyone who has body issues and give them confidence.

If this offends you I'm sorry.

I write this long ass note because I don't want hate for something that wasn't supposed to be offensive. I am not skinny shaming either. I don't believe in body shaming, everybody rocks and shouldn't be put down because of something that makes them unique.

I also really love fluff.

The Lost Girl legend had been circulating through the Peter Pan fairytale and now Y/N L/N was known as the only Lost Girl. In the mortal world you were as popular as Peter Pan.

The Lost Boys would never talk bad about you. You knew that you weren't the skinniest but you weren't the thickest. Peter loved you and so did The Lost Boys, a new boy arrived and when he saw you he made a derogatory comment about you behind your back. 


A new boy had arrived, but you felt off about him, there's was something that was weird and off putting. Obviously you didn't tell Pan this or any boys, just so it appeared you were open minded.

The boy made you mad, mad to the point where you were always pissed when he was around.

It all started at the campfire, Pan was hunting off somewhere and only you, three boys and that little asshole were around.

The boys were talking about girls back home, you occasionally piped in with comments here and there. You noticed that the little asshole kept glaring at you.

"Is there a problem?" You snapped.

He grinned cockily, "not one at all, fatass."

That hit you hard, people called you fat back home all the time. Now this little asshole is at your home, calling you names.

You clenched your fists and almost spoke up when a voice cut off your own.

"What did you call my Y/N?" Peter asked.

Oh shit.

The asshole kept his confidence, "a fatass, all I did was speak the truth."

"I don't like lies. First you insult my queen and now you're lying to me?"

"I'm not lying."

"And there you go again! Lying piece of trash that not even Captain Hook would step on."

"Peter..." You said, you shook your head and had a look in your eyes that said, It's not worth it.

"Y/N please go the treehouse, I'll be up in a moment." His gaze softened, probably for your benefit. You walked away and up to the treehouse.

You gathered your thoughts as you sat on the bed. You traced the intricate designs of the duvet. You wished Peter never heard it, you didn't want to rehash old and worn out insecurities. But because of some little shit they're back.

You heard footsteps, you looked up towards the door and saw Peter with worry etched across his face.

"Hey darling," he said as he sat next to you. He rubbed your back.

"What will happen to him?"

"Nothing you need to know about." He pecked your cheek, "the lost boys are defending their queen as we speak."

You smiled as he pressed his nose into your neck, "I know what you're thinking." He spoke, his lips pressed against your throat.


"You are in no way 'fat' you are beautiful, I love you, everybody loves you. Nothing about you is wrong, everything is right. I love you Y/N L/N, please don't listen to assholes. You are perfect to me, you are the most beautiful star in my sky, shine bright my love. "

Uh oh long ass note again, even if you do not have a thigh gap does not mean you are "thicker". This one shot is written because these are words I needed to hear when I was going through insecurities.

I'm quite proud of my body, it tells a story, I don't need to change for anybody and neither do you. Change for you, not somebody else, and you don't have to change.

I love my body now, but I'm changing it for me if I want to. I went through two years of my life hating myself for something that made me unique, don't do what I did.

My message: do stuff for you, not anybody else. If anybody ever needs anything please DM me, please I'll help in any way I can.

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