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It had been two weeks. Two fucking weeks since blondey arrived. You hated her, you and Pan were best friends and then she came along. Now you're lucky if you even get to talk to him for five minutes without her attaching herself to his arm and abruptly cutting you off. When she first arrived you were nice, offered her clothes and a place to stay. She was not grateful at all, which burned you to the freaking bones.

You were hunting and you were crouching down with your bow and arrow. You waited about a minute watching a wild boar, you pulled the string back and was about to let go when you heard a high pitched voice shout, "don't shoot it!" Making you miss the shot, you groaned and turned towards her.

"Hi Wendy," you put on your faker-than-wendy smile but she didn't seem to see through the facade.

"Why would you shoot the poor thing?" She screeched and you were about to shoot her, you were trembling with anger.

"Maybe because it was their dinner, not yours. The Lost Boys need a meal, some of them have been getting food for you because Pan makes them. The others have been kidnapped by Hook, what do you think I've been doing while I'm not a camp? Feeding my family." You hissed out, this bitch didn't do shit and you were done. You were so fucking done.

"Well you should remove the stick from your bum."

You let out a sigh of anger, "I'm about to shove-"

"Okay! Hello Y/N!" Felix popped out of the bushes, he playfully wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you glared at her, "what are you girls doing?" He chuckled nervously, obviously feeling the tense air.

"Just talking, speaking of which I have to go talk to Peter." She quickly ran away, you sighed deeply. Felix pulled you into his side,

"You gonna be my defense?"

"Yup." You looked at him in surprise.

"Really? I thought you were loyal to Pan and Pan only," you tease and he just smiles at you.

"I'm loyal to you too, and she orders me around like a dog."

You clenched the bow, "don't, it's not worth it." He said, knowing that you were about to hurt her.

"Alright but if she pisses me off I'm going after her."

"Fair enough." You two began walking back to camp, preparing for the storm of anger that will come upon you. Pan was obviously going to be pissed at you for treating her badly.

You guys walked into camp just in time to see Wendy talking to Pan. He looked angry and he flicked his gaze up to you. His cold green eyes glared at you and you held your ground by meeting him with your own glare. He excused himself and stalked over to you and Felix.

"May I have a word with Y/N please?"

Felix looked at you and you nodded your head, Felix walked away from you and went to the other boys, probably telling them why they weren't eating tonight.

"What?" You snapped.

"Why did you threaten Wendy?" He was trying to keep his anger in check but failing miserably.

"I didn't threaten her. She costed us a meal!" You hissed trying to avoid the boys hearing.

"She told me you said that she should remove the stick from her ass."

"She told me to do that, you're so damn lucky I didn't remove her heart from her chest, because I was close."

Pan saw the fire in your eyes, "who am I supposed to believe?" He whispered.

"How long have we been friends? Over one hundred years, you haven't seen her true colors. Believe me I have a slight feeling she's going to try to kill me pretty damn soon."

He looked at you in shock, "why the hell would you think that?"

"Because I'm in her way." With that you walked away.


The Next Day:

You were out walking into the woods when twigs snapped behind you, you turned and came face to face with an angry Wendy.

"What did you tell Peter?" She glared and clutched her fist.

You smirked and said, "the truth, unlike you."

"You'll regret that."

"Will I?" You tilted your head to the side mocking her, "no I don't think I will."

She was trembling in anger and said, "fine but this'll hurt."

"Wha-" She then tried to stab you with knife, keyword being tried. You grabbed her hand and flipped her on her back. She groaned out in pain and you heard the snap of twigs, you looked up and met the eyes of the Peter Pan himself.

"How much did you here?"

"Enough." He pushed off the tree and stood by you, Wendy jumped up and said, "she threatened and pushed me!"

You opened your mouth to say something when he cut you off, "quit lying Wendy, I'm done with you, Boys!" All the boys came out from behind the trees and bushes, "take her to the cage." They nodded and took a screaming Wendy off.

Pan looked at you and smiled, "want to go on an adventure?" He held his hand out to you and you couldn't help but smile.

You put your hand in his and said, "yes I do."

The Adventures Of A Lost GirlWhere stories live. Discover now