Happy Mother's Day!

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Happy Mother's Day!

You woke up to the an empty bed and sunlight streaming through your blinds. You sighed and snuggled into the bed, you didn't want to get up.

You had no idea what time it was or even the day, all you knew was you wanted to stay in bed.

You decided after a while of laying down to get up. You put on a green tee, brown jeans and brown boots. After pinning your hair up in a ponytail and after making sure you were presentable, you walked out the door.

You used magic to flash down to the ground where you didn't see the boys or Peter but saw a note on a tree stump.

Good morning beautiful, the boys and I are on the beach for a day off. Come join us. ~Peter.

You furrowed your brows but headed to the beach. You wondered what they could be up to you, I mean, it could be anything. A stupid prank like usual, or something nice.

You could never tell with those boys.

You got to the beach and saw all the smiling boys along with Peter, you saw a banner that read in sloppy handwriting, "happy mother's day!" and saw them standing in front of something.

You walked closer and asked, "what's all of this?" You started smiling like a kid on Christmas.

The all said at the same time, "Happy Mother's Day!"

You started laughing out of pure joy, "Awe guys!"

"We thought you deserved some mortal type of celebration." Peter said while smiling, your stomach filled with butterflies at his smile.

"Happy Mom day!" The youngest of the boys shouted at you while wrapping his chubby arms around your waist.

"Thank you." You smiled and he grabbed your hand, he led you over to Peter and the boys.

Peter wrapped his arm around you, he kissed the top of your head and all the boys shouted, "ew!"

"Hey, I kept on our deal of no kissing her mouth."

"Oh my god Peter." You blushed and laughed while covering your face.

He kissed your cheek, making your blush more prominent along with the boys groaning in disgust.

Sorry this was so short and late, can y'all leave requests? I need some inspiration really badly😂

Thank you guys! 💜

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