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Thank you to @LostWolf_164 for this amazing idea!

You were sick.

You had woken up that morning with a huge headache, hot and clammy skin, a sore throat that prevented you from speaking and achy bones.

It felt like your bones were being held down with boulders, you did not want to get up. But you were not going to be labeled as "weak" by the boys.

You were relatively new on the island, the boys had yet to get used to you and they keep teasing you. They know exactly what gets you angry and that is boys saying women are weak.

You managed to get out of bed, throw your hair up and make it look like you weren't an extra on The Walking Dead set.

They didn't even know what The Walking Dead was.

Oh, how you missed the internet and cable.

You got some shorts and t-shirt on, you clumsily got your shoes on and managed to wobble out your tent.

You realized how late you were when you saw how late you were when you realized the boys were done with breakfast and off to chores.

"Y/N! Felix left, he went that way." A boy names Benson pointed to where Felix would be, Benson was always nice to you.

Of course he did. You grumbled in your head, you nodded in thanks to Benson and walked off to the direction he pointed.

You started to feel dizzy and stopped by a tree to regain strength, once you did you went and found Felix.

You saw him cutting wood and you felt your stomach deflate, that was a lot of wood to carry back.

You shrugged it off and started stacking the wood in a pile, you must've scared Felix because he jumped, "Y/N, what the hell? You look awful."

You grumbled in response and continued stacking, he looked at you confused, "what? No sarcastic response? Are you feeling alright?" He pressed his hand to your forehead and jumped back.

"Y/N, you're burning up, c'mon let's go back to camp, I'm sure Pan won't be mad." Felix was always nice to you, you think it's because during initiative you didn't shoot the apple off his head, you shot the guy who was teasing him in the foot instead.

Friends ever since.

"I'm fine," you croaked out, you winced at your voice, it was practically gone.

"Y/N, no you're not."

"Yes I am," you insisted, you ignored the fuzzy feeling in your head and continued stacking as he gave you a wary glance and continued chopping wood.

About five minutes later, you started to feel worse. Pretty soon you lost balance and fell to the ground. Your name being shouted was the last thing you heard.


You felt soft cotton sheets beneath your fingertips and a soft fluffy pillow beneath your head.

You tried to get up to see your surroundings when a hand gently pushed you back down.

"Woah there Y/N," an english accent that you were all too familiar with said, "you passed out love, just rest."

"You're not mad? Devin got sick the other day and you flipped shit." Your voice faded out at the word 'shit'.

"First of all you need to stop talking," he said helping you sit up, that's when you realized you two were in his tree house. "Second of all, Devin was faking, I understand illness even though they are rare on the island. But you have the mortal flu."

"Oh great," you rolled your eyes, the flu was the fucking worst.

"What'd I say about that voice love?"

"Since when did you call me 'love?" You asked, ignoring his previous statement.

He blushed, "I always call females that."

"First of all, you never called Wendy that. Second of all is the Big Bad Peter Pan blushing?" You asked while laughing.

He chuckled, "you sure are observant." He said defeatedly, "I guess I just find you beautiful Y/N."

You had a hard time not laughing at that statement since you could only imagine what you look like right now.

"You still look beautiful," he whispered as if reading your thoughts, "I would kiss you but I feel like I should officially ask you out or something, I'm not sure how mortals do this stuff."

"Just do you Peter." You gave a shot at calling him by this first name.

He smiled, "will you Y/N, give me the honor of being my Queen Of Neverland?" You laughed at his way of asking since you knew he was messing around.

"Yes I will." You smiled.

He tried to kiss you but you pushed his head away, "I don't want to get you sick!"

"Aw c'mon I'm the King!"

@LostWolf_164 hope you liked it! Thanks for requesting! <3

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