You're My Favorite Nerd

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This is one of my favorite songs ever! Please check it out!

You were a nerd at heart, you owned it, you embraced your nerdy side. Peter quickly realized how different you'd seemed when you came onto the island.

He observes those he takes before he take them just to make sure they aren't homicidal or something like that before he brings them to a magical island that practically reeks of death. When he found you, he found how bright you were. You were always smiling with your friends and your laugh was music to his ears.

But when you got to the island, that was gone. The light in your eyes was gone, your musical laugh was a dull beat if you even laughed at all.

Peter decided to talk to you about it, you and him had gotten closer. He was the person who tried to get you out of your shell.

One day he was curious as to why you were so quiet and withdrawn. "Y/N?"

"Yes Peter?" You asked, looking up from a took you were widdling.

"Why are you so withdrawn?"

You snapped your head up at him, "are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm quite serious." He tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"Oh for the love of god," You mumbled. "Peter, there's nothing fun for me to do here."

He let out a breath of a laugh, "Y/N, you can play with the boys, did you get the impression that you couldn't hang out with them."

You rolled your eyes, "Peter, I mean this in the nicest way possible okay?"

Cue the puppy look, "okay?"

You sighed, "I don't find enjoyment in wrestling all the time or playing sports or sword fighting. I love it somedays and the other days...." your sentence drifted off and you sighed, "I miss my books."

"Books? Wait, are you one of those kids who loved reading?" He asked shocked.

"Yes, believe it or not, books were always there for me whenever I went through a rough time." You said dryly, "I love it here Peter, but I want to read again."

He nodded, "okay."

The two of you went back to sharpening tools in silence, but there was a plan conjuring in his head.


Peter had been acting weird, he kept asking you what your favorite books were, what some books that you never got to read were. Your favorite genre, author, hardcover or paperback etc. He asked it all.

A couple days later he pulled you into the forest. "Peter where are we going?" You laughed.

"A surprise Y/N. And yes, I know surprises make you anxious but this is a good one I promise." He said reassuringly, squeezing your hand.

He led you two to a tiny stone house in the forest, it was hidden by a tent of trees above and the source of light was what you would've called tiki torches back home. There were iridescent F/C flowers that led up to the doorway of the tiny cottage.

It was beautiful.

He led you up to the door and made a gesture for you to open it. You carefully pushed the door open and had to conceal your gasp.

It was a tiny library.

There was a fire place directly opposite of you, on either side of it were burgundy couches. Covering every single wall were floor to ceiling bookshelves.

There was one shelf that was specifically labeled, 'Y/N's favorites'.

"Aw Peter," you said turning to face him, "this is amazing." You breathed, walking in further. You looked at, "just an FYI, you're about to see me nerd out."

"You're my favorite nerd," he breathed out, you saw a blush blossom over his cheeks as you winked.

"Am I now?" You laughed. Leading him and you to one of the couches.

"You're my favorite in general Y/N." Now it was your turn to blush.

You two spent the rest of that day talking about your favorite books and why you love them. You even got him to start one of your favorites and he spent the rest of the night reading while you fell asleep on his lap, he ran his fingers through your hair as he read to your sleeping form.

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