You're Bisexual?

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Pan finds out that you are bisexual. (the Lost girls are a part of this)

You and Peter were laying on a hammock on the beach enjoying the night time sea breeze and the feeling of salt water brushing onto your face. Your head was positioned on his chest as his fingers ran themselves through your soft hair straightening out the curls the humidity had caused.

You looked up and saw how bright his skin was in the moonlight, it was like he had rubbed highlighter all over his face but he somehow still managed to make it look good. It was these little moments you were thankful for, the ones where you could sneak away from your lost girls, he could sneak away from his boys and you two could just sit in quiet just holding each other. It was a moment you looked forward to everyday.

"A secret for a secret?" he asked you, his lips brushing your forehead.

"Hmm," you hummed, your arm squeezing his waist slightly, "absolutely."

'A secret for a secret' was a game the two of you played when you were bored and wanted to learn something about each other.

"You first." He finished saying 'first' when you started saying 'you'. So you had to go first.

"Ha," He smiled at his victory and kissed your forehead.

"Alright hmmmm..." You looked up to seeing him look at the stars, you were contemplating this secret for a while. Might as well tell him now.

"I'm bisexual." You said playing with your hands. 

He looked down in surprise, "you are?"

"Yeah... is that a problem?" You asked sitting up.

He sat up as well, "not at all, it's just a huge ego booster."

"How so?" You laughed as he cupped your face in his hands, you tilted your face into him and kissed his palm.

He smiled, "it just means that I won out of all the Lost Girls and Lost Boys, I won your heart."

"That you did."

"So I'm the hot shit." He wiggled his eyebrows and you snorted.

"God, you are so cocky, I shouldn't even have told you."
"Please," he rolled his eyes, "you love it when I'm like this."
"Maybe so." He pulled you in for a kiss and you had to hold back your smile.

"What's your secret?" You asked eagerly.

He looked away as if he didn't want to see your reaction, which worried you nonetheless. "I love you." He then met your face with fear written in his eyes.

"That's your secret?"


"Babe I already knew." You laughed and kissed his nose, which he scrunched up after your action.

"You already knew?"

"It's kinda obvious." You said rolling your eyes.
"When we were friends you told me that only someone you loved could make you blush, then a few months later I made you blush by calling you out on your shit." You giggled as his face turned bright red.
He plunked back into the hammock with a groan, "damn, I'm obvious."

"You are. But I'll give you an extra secret." You leaned downward and your lips brushed his ear, "I love you too."

His face lit up as if there were a thousand stars shining on him (which there was but we won't ruin the moment with technicalities). His eyes were bright and shining with tears because he couldn't believe the one person he loved more than anything in the world, loved him back. 

WOW THAT WAS CUTE. Also I have not been posting much due to some family stuff going on and school is kicking. my. ass. But school is almost over! So I will be writing a lot more soon and more active. 

Also! I hit #1 in the hashtag rumplestiltskin! thank you guys so much! i love y'all and will see y'all in the next one!

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